.30 PRC

They have apparently pushed the shoulder back a fair amount from the Ruger. The straight necked down Ruger case holds around 96 grains, I think? My wildcat, 30/375 S.I. has the shoulder pushed back and has a .320" neck. It holds 96.4 H20 because the case taper is removed and the shoulder blown out to 40 degrees. If the brass quality is better on the new PRC, it should be a useful case.....rich
They have apparently pushed the shoulder back a fair amount from the Ruger. The straight necked down Ruger case holds around 96 grains, I think? My wildcat, 30/375 S.I. has the shoulder pushed back and has a .320" neck. It holds 96.4 H20 because the case taper is removed and the shoulder blown out to 40 degrees. If the brass quality is better on the new PRC, it should be a useful case.....rich

I hope so, that would make it work really well in a standard 3.6" magazine.
My apologies and thank you for correcting my incorrect description. I was going off the statement someone made that it was like the Nosler but longer. I misunderstood/assumed they meant case length vs cartridge length.

So basically its very close to a Nosler loaded properly with long high BC bullets in terms of COAL but with the reduced body to that of the rebated rim and the corresponding reduction in powder. At that COAL it will work well in many of the LA Receivers and even a number of the DBMs.

So its very close to a improved 300 winmag case without the belt in terms of performance but a bit more capacity as its body base diameter is that of the belt not the body.

My guess is with the strength of better current Winmag cases they can take more pressure and thus top accuracy node could be very close to each other. I agree its actually a really good idea in terms of design as it addresses a number of design weakness but one........

The Hrdy brass kills it unless they change their process for this case or contract it out. I find the Nosler/Norma brass about as soft as I want to go for my liking and its a clear step up in hardness but still a good bit short of Lapua, ADG, Peterson in terms of strength.

Now it might have been a serious winner if it had been the 300 LCM (Lapua Compact Magnum) little brother to the Lapua Magnum.:D

I have personally not had issues with rebated rim cases but I use center feed mag. Even the gas auto guns like the AR format do not have much of an issue with rebated (or sharp shoulders for that matter) but again its when they are setup as center feed.
Well, here is something interesting! I looked at the chamber and cartridge print, and they nearly duplicated what I did with the 375 Ruger case in 2011. They didn't put the 40 degree shoulder in it or remove the taper but they moved the shoulder back just a few thou short of mine.
So here's the good news. I can get a new go gauge just marginally longer and run my reamer in correspondingly farther and shoot the factory rounds in my chamber like an A.I.! Mine has been a great performer at easily over 3000' with a 225. NOW, if Hornady will make some good brass, this could be a really nice easy conversion that would shoot factory ammo and then step up the performance considerably on the subsequent loading!
Unless I'm losing it though, they have a couple body measurements reversed on the chamber and print reamer? Unless they are running .005" crush on there loaded ammo:D
Unless I'm losing it though, they have a couple body measurements reversed on the chamber and print reamer? Unless they are running .005" crush on there loaded ammo:D
Look at some some SAAMI prints. The cartridge length form the base to the neck/shoulder junction will be longer than the chamber.
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