.30 PRC

I don't own either but I love my improved version of the 30/375 for the performance but don't like the Hornady brass much. The WM has the brass edge, but won't come close to the velocity. Also, I prefer no belt so both have pluses and minuses. It all comes down to what is most important to you. If the Hornady PRC brass proves to be better, I may still make an improved version which would then be a win, win over the WM.

Great, thanks for the response, I'm building a 30 cal. I should have been more clear what do you like between the prc and Nosler.
Great, thanks for the response, I'm building a 30 cal. I should have been more clear what do you like between the prc and Nosler.
I don't think you'll see any practical difference between the PRC and the Nosler if both are used in comparable guns with the same barrel length, twist and ammo OAL. If you're a factory ammo guy the PRC might offer some advantages since it's already loaded to take advantage of a longer mag instead of the 3.400" of factory 30 nosler ammo.

Just pick who's brass you like more and go for it.
I don't think you'll see any practical difference between the PRC and the Nosler if both are used in comparable guns with the same barrel length, twist and ammo OAL. If you're a factory ammo guy the PRC might offer some advantages since it's already loaded to take advantage of a longer mag instead of the 3.400" of factory 30 nosler ammo.

Just pick who's brass you like more and go for it.

Thanks, that helps
Hornady boasts that the 300 PRC is the "Ultimate 30 caliber Magnum" .... and "The 300 PRC makes long range, mid range"

for realz ? 2810 fps at muzzle with the 225 gr ELDM .... that's ultimate ?

Now every gun dummy (creediot) will auto assume that the 300 PRC is the king of ALL 30 caliber cartridges

Hornady ever hear about the 300 RUM or 300 Norma Magnum ?
300 Wby, 30-378 Wby ?

my 300 NM Imp has that velocity at 330 yards with a 225 gr bullet

what magical powers am I missing that 2810 fps at the muzzle has ?
300 LRH - 225 gr Hornady.jpg
Hornady boasts that the 300 PRC is the "Ultimate 30 caliber Magnum" .... and "The 300 PRC makes long range, mid range"

for realz ? 2810 fps at muzzle with the 225 gr ELDM .... that's ultimate ?

Now every gun dummy (creediot) will auto assume that the 300 PRC is the king of ALL 30 caliber cartridges

Hornady ever hear about the 300 RUM or 300 Norma Magnum ?
300 Wby, 30-378 Wby ?

my 300 NM Imp has that velocity at 330 yards with a 225 gr bullet

what magical powers am I missing that 2810 fps at the muzzle has ?View attachment 111613

Right!? What kind of company or designer would market their own designs as being superior to everything else out there when really it's just reinventing the same performance in a different package? We shouldn't stand for that sort of marketing hyperbole!

If a guy likes the performance of a 300 Win Mag in a factory gun with factory ammo he'll like the PRC. If a guy likes the Performance of the 30 Nosler in a factory gun with factory ammo he'll like the PRC. If a guy likes the performance of the 300 Norma improved in a factory gun with factory ammo, he's out of luck since that's not available. It's not a fair comparison.

As far as comparing it to the RUM/Norma/Weatherby cartridges, thats like taking a guy who's looking to buy a new Toyota Camary and shaming him for not buying an Audi RS 5. Some people don't want or need the extra performance because it just won't make any practical difference for their intended uses.
The 300 Blaser is identical in case capacity to the 300 PRC ....
Has been around since 2010

The 300 Dakota is similar, been around forever

Hornady bs is just that .. BS

same scenario with the 6.5, we have ancient cartridges that have been doing their thing but all of a sudden
there is magical "ultimate" in their hands at the same velocities

the Kool-Aid is spiked heavily
The 300 Blaser is identical in case capacity to the 300 PRC ....
Has been around since 2010

The 300 Dakota is similar, been around forever

Hornady bs is just that .. BS

same scenario with the 6.5, we have ancient cartridges that have been doing their thing but all of a sudden
there is magical "ultimate" in their hands at the same velocities

the Kool-Aid is spiked heavily

Yes, it maybe bs to you because you reload obviously.....what about the people that don't reload and want to get close to the 300 blaser and 300 Dakota with off the shelf ammunition? Here is the choice they have now, the 300prc. I've seen very very little to no factory ammunition being offered for the blaser and Dakota.
It's all about marketing, if the blaser and the Dakota had a better market the 300 prc probably wouldn't exist. Also I read on the forums a bunch of people are going from belted to non belted.
I agree the 6.5 stuff is a little overwhelming but it is what it is.
Yes, it maybe bs to you because you reload obviously.....what about the people that don't reload and want to get close to the 300 blaser and 300 Dakota with off the shelf ammunition? Here is the choice they have now, the 300prc. I've seen very very little to no factory ammunition being offered for the blaser and Dakota.
It's all about marketing, if the blaser and the Dakota had a better market the 300 prc probably wouldn't exist. Also I read on the forums a bunch of people are going from belted to non belted.
I agree the 6.5 stuff is a little overwhelming but it is what it is.

Yes, the masses can't take advantage of the 30 cal. hotties that some of us like so much, let the market decide, if you don't like it, don't buy it, works for me every time.
I did not see where Hornady made any claims about it being the fastest round out there, nor with the 6.5 PRC. What I do see is Hornady offering a round that is fast enough for the average Joe and a little more performance than that with affordable hunting ammo and match ammo for the non-handloader. I saw this same smug attitude toward folks who bought the Ruger Precision Rifle, before then you needed to spend 2-3 times as much for that performance and now these peasants can shoot, not with the best but at least can compete from time to time.

I would prefer a little more power and yes a little better rifle, but the more folks who can stretch their range a little better than in the past, well that is not hurting me.
Yes, the masses can't take advantage of the 30 cal. hotties that some of us like so much, let the market decide, if you don't like it, don't buy it, works for me every time.
I did not see where Hornady made any claims about it being the fastest round out there, nor with the 6.5 PRC. What I do see is Hornady offering a round that is fast enough for the average Joe and a little more performance than that with affordable hunting ammo and match ammo for the non-handloader. I saw this same smug attitude toward folks who bought the Ruger Precision Rifle, before then you needed to spend 2-3 times as much for that performance and now these peasants can shoot, not with the best but at least can compete from time to time.

I would prefer a little more power and yes a little better rifle, but the more folks who can stretch their range a little better than in the past, well that is not hurting me.


For the RPR, look at who is now offering rifles to complete with the rpr!!! It's giving the average Joe a way to get started, a way to compete against people that have many times the money in their rifles and sometimes those people with less cost rifles out preform the high $$$ fancy guys and they get butt hurt because of that.....I get it, but that makes it better and makes everyone else better and grows experience and technology. I WILL be getting a 6.5prc unless something else comes up (been a bad year) next year!

Well said!
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Hornady boasts that the 300 PRC is the "Ultimate 30 caliber Magnum" .... and "The 300 PRC makes long range, mid range"

for realz ? 2810 fps at muzzle with the 225 gr ELDM .... that's ultimate ?

Now every gun dummy (creediot) will auto assume that the 300 PRC is the king of ALL 30 caliber cartridges

Hornady ever hear about the 300 RUM or 300 Norma Magnum ?
300 Wby, 30-378 Wby ?

my 300 NM Imp has that velocity at 330 yards with a 225 gr bullet

what magical powers am I missing that 2810 fps at the muzzle has ?View attachment 111613

Try to find factory ammo in any of those calibers that comes close to the PRC?

Hornady isn't trying to be the fastest 30 cal magnum, that's not what it's all about. The creedmoor wasn't the fastest 6.5 round. It's about designing a whole package that works at long range that the average dude can afford. IHfarmer and nomosendero are right, it's a long range 30 cal that dosen't require a custom gun or custom ammo to shoot the heavy for caliber, high bc bullets.
Try to find factory ammo in any of those calibers that comes close to the PRC?

Hornady isn't trying to be the fastest 30 cal magnum, that's not what it's all about. The creedmoor wasn't the fastest 6.5 round. It's about designing a whole package that works at long range that the average dude can afford. IHfarmer and nomosendero are right, it's a long range 30 cal that dosen't require a custom gun or custom ammo to shoot the heavy for caliber, high bc bullets.

Requires a custom mag box and modifications to any "normal" long action hunting rifle
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