.30 PRC

I pushed my S.I. back a little more than they did and I can run the 225's over 3000' easily.

The majority of my work with the 375 Ruger case has been in 17-18" specialty pistols, but I like to keep the 250s at around 2750 from an 18" barrel with a straight necked down 338/375 Ruger run at an OAL of 3.540". They'll go faster with some different powders but H4350 has been very easy to work with so I just stick with it. In a 28" barrel the 250 Berger is around 3050 with IMR 7828ssc.
Faster than the WM but not the Nosler
Rich I'm super curious about your improved version.
Will you be able to fire form 300 prc brass in your chamber?
Also how hard are you pushing it to break 3100 fps with 225's?
Lastly do you rent your reamer, and what are the die options?
I would have to check their print but I thought they shortened it a little more than mine?? I almost ordered a reamer before it even hit the shelves that would fire it in a S.I. chamber but I had a lot going on. The clincher was there is only Hornady brass so I decided against it.
I know that the performance could be improved considerably though!
3100' with mine is attained through N570 or RL33 and is pretty stiff. I did run it up to 3150' once but the case wouldn't last more than a couple firings.
I ran it this year right at 3000' with a very accurate and moderate load.
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Only had mine for a little over a week but so far with 208's and 80 gr of Retumbo 3050fps and tried a few 225gr with Reloder 25 and 2950 is where I stopped.
This is from a 27 inch barrel Horizon built custom.
Still just playing but here is group with 208's at654 yards.
View attachment 111358 Only had mine for a little over a week but so far with 208's and 80 gr of Retumbo 3050fps and tried a few 225gr with Reloder 25 and 2950 is where I stopped.
This is from a 27 inch barrel Horizon built custom.
Still just playing but here is group with 208's at654 yards.
Wow that's some great shooting!
where did you get your brass?? I didn't think it was being sold yet..
It has been for sale online at Midway I think but they are out now.
Also factory ammo is also available. Uh well....mine came from unnamed sources and only got a few.... but the good news is I have loaded a few 4 times and the primer pockets are still very tight.
It has been for sale online at Midway I think but they are out now.
Also factory ammo is also available. Uh well....mine came from unnamed sources and only got a few.... but the good news is I have loaded a few 4 times and the primer pockets are still very tight.

What coal are you running on your handloads? A PRC throated to run the 212 or 215/230 berger with the boattail at the case neck/shoulder or slightly longer should run some impressive speeds
Mine is standard throat and it will handle 225's seated to juncture and be about .015 off lands at 3.725.
I am quite sure 212/215 will be easy and fit magazine....225's in my mag need to seat down to around 3.685 so would be .050 off lands
What round do you like better and why?
I don't own either but I love my improved version of the 30/375 for the performance but don't like the Hornady brass much. The WM has the brass edge, but won't come close to the velocity. Also, I prefer no belt so both have pluses and minuses. It all comes down to what is most important to you. If the Hornady PRC brass proves to be better, I may still make an improved version which would then be a win, win over the WM.
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