May I ask why it bothers you that people do this? It's very common behavior for us humans, be it guns, cartridges, cars, trucks, cell phones, etc... where would the incentive be to create and innovate if no one cared ? I'm not an early adopter, and rarely a supporter of anything. But if I try something and it works I'll say positive things about it. If it works REALLY well, I'll actually recommend it.
I think the popularity of some of the cartridges is the fact that they perform well and you can get decent factory ammo at a reasonable price. Not everyone has the time nor inclination to develop handloads for their rifles, and even fewer care that a 'new' cartridge is actually on old wildcat brought back to life. All the marketing in the world won't matter if the cartridges don't perform.
I was a .308 Winchester guy for years. I raised my eyebrows at the 'new' 6.5 Creedmoor... until I bought one. Stupid easy to shoot, Stupid easy to load for, and stupid inexpensive factory match ammo if and when I need it.
Everything was new at one time or another... products are normally improved in small increments rather than revolutionary leaps & bounds.
Right, wrong, or otherwise, I celebrate the new offerings in our shooting world. If it keeps our sport alive and possibly even help it grow, I'm all for it.
Sure, but I'd rather not mess up this thread anymore. Everyone's already bitching about me enough, as is... But, what the hell...
It's the way my mind works, and the way I have always seen the world. My instincts have always been to avoid trends because they come and go, and until you learn to just be yourself, you'll never find yourself. Be your own man, and f*** what anyone else thinks. Tell it like it is, and people will bitch and moan and whine and tell you you're wrong, and act like you're a giant ***... But deep inside, they respect you for not giving a **** what anyone else thinks, even if they vehemently disagree with you 100% of the time. If you're constantly walking around being a "yes man" and kissing ***, they'll never respect you.
The fact is, I just don't like BS, and there seems to be A LOT of it going around in the gun community and it seems to be fairly recent. I'm guessing most of it is coming in with all the newbies these new Hornady cartridges are drawing into the game. I've personally witnessed more than enough conversations that would bend your brain to try to get on their lack of comprehension of guns and cartridges and their abilities. But I get the fact that not everyone has witnessed such a thing. The last 2 generations (which embarrassingly enough includes me) are so screwed up and gullible as it is... I mean, they can't figure out that there is only 2 genders, which bathroom to go in, that socialism has never worked, or that the electoral college isn't an actual learning institution...But now they want to buy guns and shoot live animals at 1,000 yards? That thought should scare anyone.
The only issue I have with the cartridges themselves are the fact that they're reheated leftovers. Other than that, no problems at all. It's that Hornady is creating a false need for a problem that doesn't exist. And in order to do that, you have to be subversive and manipulative. You have to make people think that what they've been using is no longer valid. And that if you buy this fancy new doodad, you'll be able to do all these wonderful things that you could never do with such an antiquated pile of junk. I understand that is marketing 101, but it's just that whole hipster mentality that they are playing to that p!sses me off. I'm not asking anyone to agree with me or not. Just answering your questions as to why I don't care for them. I still shoot Hornady ammo, and I don't think they're a bad company, I just think that what they're doing is inadvertently destroying the gun community's logic button, whether they realize it or not.
I'm done on this thread, if you'd like to continue this conversation, feel free to PM me and we'll discuss it further.