22 Creedmoor Build

I'm hoping to have my LH Nucleus action in hand in a couple weeks,then I can put my new 22 Creedmoor together. I bought two 20" X-Caliber 1-7 twist barrels for it,the first one will be used to burn out all the 75gr AMax bullets I have had gathering dust on the shelf for several years. I went with a shorter barrel since I use suppressor's,and it will be a varmint hunting rig mainly.
I modified a KRG Bravo chassis for the LH action,and have a Trigger Tech Diamond trigger ready to go on it. The optics will be a Revic PMR428.
It should be a fun shooting little rig!
We can build our guns as we see fit. However, I don't believe you will recognize the full benefits of the cartridge with a 20" barrel. Anyway...Good luck and good shooting.
We can build our guns as we see fit. However, I don't believe you will recognize the full benefits of the cartridge with a 20" barrel. Anyway...Good luck and good shooting.

That's true,but it won't be as hard to hunt pigs/yotes with off the gator either! Adding a 9" suppressor to the end of a barrel can make them pretty hard to maneuver in small spaces with a 26"-28" barrel.
I had forgotten about this thread until today. I am still going to build a 22 Creedmoor in the near future as I still have parts gathered for that purpose. What I did in the meantime is built a 224 Valkyrie. She's definitely a sweet shooter!!

Here's what I used...
Savage 12FV 6.5 Creedmoor donor action, trued up
24" 1/7 twist stainless barrel
Standard Savage bottom metal and magazine
223 Rem bolt head opened up to .422"
H-S Precision PST114 stock
Blackhawk 20 MOA rail
Leupold MK4 30mm rings
Leupold VX-3i LRP 6.5-20×50
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Valkyrie logo lasered on barrel

Chief lasered on bolt knob.

88gr ELDMs

77gr Nosler CCs

88gr ELDMs

88gr ELDMs with cold/clean bore

Same group with cold/clean omitted.
I was going to try the 88's but, found a sweet load with Nosler 80 gr CC and the Berger 80.5 Full Bore. Right now the Magneto Sporter says 3450 fps with both bullets out of a 28" barrel. I also put one of the Athlon BTR scopes on it. Very nice scope. Tracks and responds as it should. I like your stock.
A question for the 22 Creedmoor shooters. I am looking at using an MDT chassis for my 22CM build. What brand magazines have you had luck with for the Creedmoor? I would think you could easily tweak a metal mag if you had to adjust the feeding. Has anyone used the Magpul mags with success?
So far I'm having good luck with the hornady 6 creed brass. Loading 95gr SMK @ 3085fps. I found a good shooting load. I'm sure I could get another 100-150fps but I'm happy with this load so far. I haven't ran any over 3x firing yet though.

Are you having to turn your necks with the 6.5 lapua brass? I'm also using a .251 bushing.

Would you mind sharing the load for the 95 smk?

I am just about starting load development.
I know the question wasn't for me but, I'm using 80 gr Nosler CC with H-4350 at 41.0 grs. CCI BR. I like to keep tinkering but, forced myself to leave this one alone because it grouped very nice and the Magneto Sporter said 3511 fps for a ten shot average.
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