22 creedmoor

I can't imagine that the 22 Creed is much different than the 22-243 that I've been shooting for quite some time. I originally had a 22-243AI but got tired of fireforming brass. With the AI version, I was getting 3,670 ft/sec with a moly coated 75gr A-Max and shooting in the .1s-.2s. I used 243 Lapua brass exclusively.

In the 22-243 (plain) I am shooting the a Berger 82gr LR bullet at 3,400 ft/sec and getting .5moa at 400yds.
Horizon has headstamped 22 Creedmoor brass. I picked up 100 pieces to load for a buddy's new Horizon rifle. Good looking brass too!
It is pushing the neck straight into the shoulder. The case mouth is hitting the narrower bushing opening and not sliding in, just compressing directly into the case. Looks like a dog that chased a parked car.
I can't imagine that the 22 Creed is much different than the 22-243 that I've been shooting for quite some time. I originally had a 22-243AI but got tired of fireforming brass. With the AI version, I was getting 3,670 ft/sec with a moly coated 75gr A-Max and shooting in the .1s-.2s. I used 243 Lapua brass exclusively.

In the 22-243 (plain) I am shooting the a Berger 82gr LR bullet at 3,400 ft/sec and getting .5moa at 400yds.

It appears to be neck and neck with the 22-243AI. The 22-243AI was my first choice since I shoot a 243AI, but no fireforming sold me on thew 22 Creed.
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