22 creedmoor

This cartridge has been growing on me. With sierra releasing a 95gr smk and the 90gr Berger flying at 3400+fps it has the potential to surpass the ballistics of the 6mm and 6.5 creedmoor at distance, on paper anyway. I would have a hard time only building one. A light weight varminter on a tikka t3 running 60-80gr bullets and another heavy rifle suppressed on a savage donor running the 90gr+ pills would be the way to go.
Im kinda interested in a 22 Creedmore as well. Im not sure how much my .243 is going to be used anymore and I'm thinking of what to rebarrel it in.
If deer hunting with a 22 cal were legal here, I'd build one and run Sierra's 95gr Matchking at 3350'. I'm sure it'd be devastating on critters deer-size and smaller.
Recoil's most likely nill too which would make it one heck of a fun gun for my wife, new shooters, or smaller framed adults.
If I weren't currently building a fast 6mm, it'd take some pretty serious convincing to keep me from building one of these.
If deer hunting with a 22 cal were legal here, I'd build one and run Sierra's 95gr Matchking at 3350'. I'm sure it'd be devastating on critters deer-size and smaller.
Recoil's most likely nill too which would make it one heck of a fun gun for my wife, new shooters, or smaller framed adults.
If I weren't currently building a fast 6mm, it'd take some pretty serious convincing to keep me from building one of these.
Not even center fire 22? I get no rimfire...
Man...we cull deer down here mostly with 22 caliber. Shot my first deer with a 222 sako...and still shoot a deer or exotic or two every year with a 22 of some type,and yes they can be really effective. I'm building a Tikka T3 .233 wylde right now with a 20 in carbon barrel and McMillan game warden stock..going to shoot mostly 75 and 80 grain pills out of it...and carry it in my Ranger...a fast 22 with heavy bullets is death on stuff...deer in the south are about perfect for that combo. My brother uses a 224 TTH (22-6mm) it lives off a diet of 80 grain bullets---and it will hammer deer...

Just a little heads up on you guys wanting to run 90 grain bullets, ive seen some less than stellar velocities out of the 90 bergers with my current freebore , they pressure up quickly as opposed to the 80's, ive tried 4451, h4350, 4831sc and the fastest i could get them running without blowing primers was 3100-3150, need to do more testing but 41.5 gr of 4350 blew primers like it was it's job, barrel is 24" bartlein with 1-7 twist
Im looking at mainly 73 or 75 in mine. Going with a 24" benchmark 1 in 7. Has anyone tried the starline 6mm creed brass? Was thinking of ordering some
...ive tried 4451, h4350, 4831sc and the fastest i could get them running without blowing primers was 3100-3150, need to do more testing but 41.5 gr of 4350 blew primers like it was it's job, barrel is 24" bartlein with 1-7 twist
Im looking at mainly 73 or 75 in mine. Going with a 24" benchmark 1 in 7. Has anyone tried the starline 6mm creed brass? Was thinking of ordering some
I make Lapua 22 Creedmoor SR primer brass, neck turned and annealed that will solve these issues for you guys
$220/100 casings
I bought the Hornady Bushing die set for 6mm Creedmore- and then .244-.245 bushings to resize the 6mm brass. The Hornady set is crushing the brass instead of resizing it- Any ideas? Do I need to drill a taper into the bushings? I have emailed Hornady over a week ago without any response.
I bought the Hornady Bushing die set for 6mm Creedmore- and then .244-.245 bushings to resize the 6mm brass. The Hornady set is crushing the brass instead of resizing it- Any ideas? Do I need to drill a taper into the bushings? I have emailed Hornady over a week ago without any response.

No, don't alter your bushings. I got ya, shoot me a call when you get a second and I'll walk you through it real quick.
Sanford Grasseth
I bought the Hornady Bushing die set for 6mm Creedmore- and then .244-.245 bushings to resize the 6mm brass. The Hornady set is crushing the brass instead of resizing it- Any ideas? Do I need to drill a taper into the bushings? I have emailed Hornady over a week ago without any response.
Where is it getting crushed? Can you post a picture?
You shouldn't need a intermediate bushing. I size from 6mm to 22 cal. For my Ackley without a intermediate step. Is the bushing floating in the die a little? Maybe needs annealed?
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