2021 Meat Pole

This years Washington whitetail. 150 yards on the run,broadside-heart shot. 6.5 PRC.
So last night I was able to harvest my first buck with a muzzleloader. I bought a cva lr-x this year, and spent time dialing it in. I zeroed it at 150, and shot it out to 400. I've been trying to get this buck with my bow all month long, but he's been nocturnal. Well last night he decided to show up 2 minutes before legal shooting light ended. Big mistake. I put one 285 gr powerbelt elr perfectly through both lungs. And piled him up within 10 yards. It was a 200 yard shot, on the dot. This also happens to be my biggest whitetail so far.
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Here's pictures of our Colorado first rifle season, this year. It's my wife's first elk kill. I've been fortunate, my 9th bull. She hit hers at 320 yds, mine at 270. I did a whole write up of her hunt under the elk hunting forum. Check it out.
We both used a 7mm rem mag. 143 hammer at 3040 fps. First time with the hammers. Amazing round. My bull died inside 70 yds after a dead run with 3 exit holes from 1 shot. The petals just tore 3 holes through the lungs. Only found 1 petal under skin on opposite side of hit. Everything else passed through. Supper happy with the hammer. Thanks Bean and Steve at hammer bullets 20211019_094245.jpg20211019_094237.jpg20211019_085819.jpg20211019_091455.jpg20211019_091446.jpgScreenshot_20211024-094817_Samsung Notes.jpgScreenshot_20211024-094836_Samsung Notes.jpgScreenshot_20211024-094856_Samsung Notes.jpg


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Filled my western Oregon deer tag this evening at 6:15. It was a great evening hunt, full of new experiences. Ill do a full wright up in the next day or so. But long story short my new 7mag got bloody. I botched the shot in the best way possible and spined him then finished the job with my knife. Never said thanks to an animal while it was still alive. Pretty surreal. Bringing him home is better than not though. And what a brute of a blacktail he is.


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350 yards with my 30-06 Remington 700 CDL and 6x Leupold. Handloaded 180 grain Berger Elite Hunter. High shoulder hit resulted in an instant drop, but had to finish him when I walked up to the fallen buck. Overall am pleased with the performance of the bullet, only found a few jacket fragments. It had been a while since I'd used Bergers for hunting. Accurate, no doubt.

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