2021 Meat Pole

Although I don't have a taxidermy bill yet, I've had a good season thus far. After 4 days in a backpack and low deer numbers, I harvested this ugly, old, giant old 3 point. 748 yards with My Seekins 6.5 PRC with a156 Berger. Absolutely pole-axed.

The antelope jerky came with a 398 yard shot in 20 mph wind out of my 6 XC with a Barnes Match Burner 112. That bullet performed great, and exited the shoulder in a .50 cent piece sized hole. Major damage. That bullet also killed a Whitetail buck last year, quartering to, at 80 yards. It didn't get splashy and turned everything in the cavity to soup.

The 300 Norma Improved is up in a few days, when elk season opens. Between shooting, reviewing terminal ballistics, and eating the meat, I'm a happy guy regardless of racks.


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Although I don't have a taxidermy bill yet, I've had a good season thus far. After 4 days in a backpack and low deer numbers, I harvested this ugly, old, giant old 3 point. 748 yards with My Seekins 6.5 PRC with a156 Berger. Absolutely pole-axed.

The antelope jerky came with a 398 yard shot in 20 mph wind out of my 6 XC with a Barnes Match Burner 112. That bullet performed great, and exited the shoulder in a .50 cent piece sized hole. Major damage. That bullet also killed a Whitetail buck last year, quartering to, at 80 yards. It didn't get splashy and turned everything in the cavity to soup.

The 300 Norma Improved is up in a few days, when elk season opens. Between shooting, reviewing terminal ballistics, and eating the meat, I'm a happy guy regardless of racks.
That's a cool ol' 3-point.

My first mulie was about like that, a total freak of a big-bodied buck.

Well done!!
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