2021 Meat Pole

Shot this "wanna be" buck opening weekend of bow season in the Texas Hill Country. Have a 2500 acre lease in Mason County and probably close to 5% of whitetail bucks in this particular area are afflicted with cryptorchidism. Their testicles never drop and horns stay in velvet and continue to grow all year. I've heard the cause could be anything from genetics to diet, but no one really knows for sure. It is a complete mystery. We have contacted Universities and even Dr. James Kroll (the deer doctor) and no one seems to be able to figure it out. This is the biggest set of horns I have seen on one to date. This one was quartering away pretty hard. The arrow lodged into the opposite front shoulder and he/she went about 5 yards. I love that kind of tracking job 😄

Nice,what is that item above rest on your bow.Like the site hood,I put a velcro type patch on mine because pin was too bright for me at times.I spent years passing 4 pts like that They lot times running with a big 5 friend.Then on slow years I thought Id take em,some heavy and massy,only to not see them again
That cat to skinny for 200,almost no cats make that.Ive seen many Booners dead,one that was killing horses,he was a fatty
Nice,what is that item above rest on your bow.Like the site hood,I put a velcro type patch on mine because pin was too bright for me at times.I spent years passing 4 pts like that They lot times running with a big 5 friend.Then on slow years I thought Id take em,some heavy and massy,only to not see them again
It's a sunshade. Really works well......
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