2021 Meat Pole

My longest kill in the West Oregon coast range is 1030 yds, and several from 650-950. That particular area where I killed the 4 pt. Is "smaller" country but some areas lend to longer shots.

The big clearcuts offer some long range shooting, but most of my southwestern Oregon blacktail hunting has been a tree-stand affair, with shots ranging from 20 to 50 yards. I did knock one down out on a fairly open ranch near The Dalles at around 300 yards a couple of years ago ( not a true blacktail, but a bench-leg ) but that is about as far away as I've ever shot one.
Here's my first deer this year. Not a giant but a good one considering he came off a place that's primarily dog hunting. My 8 year old son was with me and it made it one of the hunts I've ever had simply because it has sparked an enormous addiction to hunting. He wants to go everyday now and I'm gonna take him every chance I get. Was a 31 yd shot but we watch him come from about 100 yds out and he made 2 scrapes and rubbed a lil tree on the way in.


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Okay, I saw a Pronghorn and a hog on this thread so here it goes...
Took her a week ago stalking a fawn on my property at dusk just as a storm was moving in. Other deer were keying in and told me a cat was about. I put a 53 grn V-Max into her. Wicked bullet. North Central Idaho. I got a second tag and am looking for the other one that's lurking.
I set up my elk camp in the high country yesterday. Elk season starts Sunday.
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