2021 Coues

Here is my 2021 Southern Arizona Coues deer. We saw the buck over a couple days but he never presented an opportunity for a shot. On the third day we had a shot opportunity at 521 yards. The buck was about 12 degrees above me and quartering to me. I pulled the shot a bit to the right and hit him in the neck. The wound on the picture is the entrance wound, there was no exit.

Great hunt with my oldest son.

The specs for rifle and ammo:

Remington Sendero 300 Remington Ultra Mag

Bedded action
Timmney Trigger
Terminator muzzle break
Cerkote finish
Leupold Mark 5 HD 7-35x (mil rad)
Leupold Rings
Leupold 20 MOA base

Norma brass
Salt bath annealed
Federal LRM gold medal primers
Hodgdon H-1000
Hornady 208 grain ELD-Match
3,095 fps avg
14 fps SD
View attachment 307208
Thanks for sharing. We missed on the draw this year for the first time since 1990. Those Berger match bullets thump Coues deer pretty good. My 7mm LRM really likes them. The last buck I shot with them was 670ish yards over in 36C. Never lost a Coues buck to a Berger. That's an interesting rack on that deer. It almost looks like a cross.
Here is my 2021 Southern Arizona Coues deer. We saw the buck over a couple days but he never presented an opportunity for a shot. On the third day we had a shot opportunity at 521 yards. The buck was about 12 degrees above me and quartering to me. I pulled the shot a bit to the right and hit him in the neck. The wound on the picture is the entrance wound, there was no exit.

Great hunt with my oldest son.

The specs for rifle and ammo:

Remington Sendero 300 Remington Ultra Mag

Bedded action
Timmney Trigger
Terminator muzzle break
Cerkote finish
Leupold Mark 5 HD 7-35x (mil rad)
Leupold Rings
Leupold 20 MOA base

Norma brass
Salt bath annealed
Federal LRM gold medal primers
Hodgdon H-1000
Hornady 208 grain ELD-Match
3,095 fps avg
14 fps SD
View attachment 307208
Nice deer, and nice looking rifle!
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