2011 Long Range Shoots, Townsend Montana

Wow, very cool. I just found this thread today (naturally :D). I'm definitely going to try and make it out there, from Bozeman, for next month's shoot. I'm finally getting the new 300 RUM dialed and I'd love to meet some other shooters interested on LR and then sling some copper further than the Logan range is set up for.

Looking forward to it!

I appreciate the thanks guys. I am glad you all enjoy the shoot as much as I do.

Ben, come on over and join in the fun. Not a bad drive from Bozeman at all.

Ya know Jeff, it might not hurt to mention this in the regional forum. I just happened to find this thread as i don't check this forum very much.

And for ideas... how about we stake out some pigs at 1K and do some bullet terminal ballistic testing. I'm sure Roy would be all over that :)
Ya know Jeff, it might not hurt to mention this in the regional forum. I just happened to find this thread as i don't check this forum very much.

And for ideas... how about we stake out some pigs at 1K and do some bullet terminal ballistic testing. I'm sure Roy would be all over that :)

Good point, I will post a link.

Hmmmm, pigs at a grand. Sounds like we would be skinning for a while after the shoot. :D

Hey Jeff,
Still shooting this Saturday? Weather forecast is looking good for now! :D


Ye Sir! I am picking up a couple old swing set frames this week so the 700~900 yard targets will be higher and easier to see. I also got some new ar 500 targets for us to try out and will put some clay birds on the 550 and 1000 yard burms for sighters.

Hope to see ya all there!!

I will be there. 10am? start?

You bet, 10:00 am to start. I will be there a bit earlier to set up.

And I need to check a few loads in my 338 Lapua . I plan to do some dialing in with the new Gen II Bergers. Would like to do a media test on a few at 1000 but don't know if I will have time to make a trap by then.

Glad to hear we have shooters coming. Looks like the weather will be good and in the mid 60's.

Jeff gun)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Well I had a hair brained idea lightbulb and put an add in the club paper looking for old swingset frames. A guy called me and had two :). Today I picked them up and went to work hanging my new AR500 targets on them. Then a random light coat of camo paint I had laying around. Here is the first one all ready for us to beat on at Saturdays shoot. This should get the targets from 800 t0 900 yds. up a little higher and easier to see. Target sizes are 8, 10, and 12 inch. Come on over and help us test it out!

Jeff gun)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I won't be making it this time unfortunately. Gas prices are killing me, my barrel is at Dave Youngs to go in for Nitriding anyway. I'm hoping by next month I can make it and with a tricked out barrel gun) Like the gongs, a little closer together would help my wind calls look better :D
Going to miss ya BnG. and Anne too. Her new friend Michelle was hoping to see her there again.

I got to get up to Daves soon. I was talking to him about nitriding this week. Did you get some good velocity data before?? I hope so as I have been looking hard at this process.

I got some very good data before sending it in!! I have a real nice load that runs the 165 Matrix at 3053 with 10 fps ES. Also have a similar load for the 150 Ballistic tips, I also took both bullets up to the top to find the upper limit before sending it in so I should be able to get some very good feed back on what the Nitriding does for this barrel.
Anne's wanting to go shoot again, I don't think I could leave her behind, not that I would anyway.:D
BnG, please share what you see with me as soon as you get it tested. I would love to hear what really happens with this.

Tell Anne hi for us and if she still has Michelles number she should give her a call. :)

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