This is whats wrong with hunting today

I wonder how long before some "I am not responsible for my actions" doofus gets a visit from Mr Green Jeans about wonton waste of a game animal because the caliber they chose wasn't sufficient and they point out all this statistical data online that suggest they chose right.

Whether it's a 375 or a 223, if you are not sending rounds down range with some regularity, you will see the same results. A poorly placed small bullet is a poorly placed small bullet, a big fat heavy poorly placed bullet is still a poorly placed bullet, but has a higher probability of ending in success.

I am not knocking the smaller calibers at all, but I have two words for those that think it's a great idea for the average hunter to use a small caliber: "Milkjug Challenge"

The caliber/bullet is not the problem, it's the nut on the trigger.
This is the same thing that is wrong with life these days.

People who have zero clue about anything but happen to own a cell phone record themselves saying s**t that other people are dumb enough to believe.
They get rich spreading B S and those that soak it up are worse off for it.

When most of us were kids, "influencers" were also known as "parents".

These days alls it takes is a cell phone and the ability to talk.

I have never watched one of their videos and dont intend to. I'm dumb enough already, I don't need their help!
These modern day Utubers are sorta like old guys that wrote the parables for the Bible, they need a story to go with the lesson.
Statistics can be used to prove almost anything and this guy proves it to people that don't have any real experience hunting big game.

It's sad that there aren't any ways to police this kind of misinformation but there you have it.

Sure the 22CM will kill any game on the planet with perfect shot placement and enough time to let the game expire from blood loss but even a very slight movement of the animal at the last moment or an unexpected wind gust or poor shot by the hunter and you have a wounded animal that will likely wander off and die a horrible death.

Use enough gun... Nuff said....

I wonder where this guy shot this bear and if it was even legal to shoot it with a 22caliber rifle. If it's in the video or comments I missed it. I was too busy watching this kid promote ridiculous advice and use statistics that were obviously concocted to support his conclusions. He talks like a teenager high on dope.

Apples to apples and his statistics would have come out a LOT different but still statistics don't kill wild game.

He obviously doesn't even know what wind drift is. LOL
The problem is not hunting, the problem is people. A large portion of people today, including hunters and shooters, are gullible as he!! these days, and will believe garbage they read and videos they see on the internet. People that write this crap and produce these videos are catering to that in order to get clicks, or 'likes', or whatever. So they are feeding the frenzy and their egos at the same time.
Maybe they are going to combine resources