X-Caliber Barrels

For a 20" barrel in a stock Model 7 receiver with an X mark trigger with no bedding/pillars, absolutely.

Those are one inch squares, so the three shot group is hovering around 1/2". The first cold bore shot is the one in the lower left at 8 o'clock.
I have 2 stainless 26" bull on Savage action, 6 Creedmoor & 25 Creedmoor. They're top notch, hand-lapped and accurate. Break-in is easy. Their normal price is a good price for me. I'm not that patient and in 6 weeks I have a barrel that's as all good as any other and not wait on the gunsmith's list of things to do.

This steel, you can trust.

The barrel I ordered recently with their sale, I think I got in 3 weeks. Crazy fast.
I have a good one and a trainwreck. I feel the quality and process is there, but they just jacked up a bunch of the 224 valkyrie chambers. Its been back once and it needs to go back again. I think they did 40-45% off for BF last year.
Just put a Wilson stainless barrel on a FN action chambered in 6.5x55 AI and that thing is a shooter. Would I buy another if needed, you bet. It will put 5 shoots in side of a inch at 200yds
Just put a Wilson stainless barrel on a FN action chambered in 6.5x55 AI and that thing is a shooter. Would I buy another if needed, you bet. It will put 5 shoots in side of a inch at 200yds
I just put a 32 inch barrel on my 338 excalibur and it shoots very good and it is the best barrel I've ever had when it comes to cleaning it.
On the breaking in, the premium barrels I've have took about 25% less effort and ammo to clean than the Xcalibers but then the Xcalibers are 25% easier than a factory rifle barrel. Subsequent barrel cleaning is about the same ratios as well.
I just put a 32 inch barrel on my 338 excalibur and it shoots very good and it is the best barrel I've ever had when it comes to cleaning it.
The one, only one xcalibur barrel I have is in 6.5 creed and shoots lights out . 1/4 moa with handloads that are still being developed at 100. Mine broke in at 25 shots and doesnt foul. No blue on the patches after 10 round test .
If your looking for fast turn around , there is a guy on ebay that has remage xcaliber barrels premade . Took 2 days to get mine ! I have 2 of his barrels , the xcaliber that shoots lights out and a krieger 6.5 creed for a lightweight future remage build in a #4 taper. The xcaliber is a sendero profile. Guy has sold 50 - 60 on ebay and has no bad feedback.
I took a chance on him because I have no patience and as far as I'm concerned, he cuts chambers as good as I'm able to squeeze the accuracy out of. He guarantees .0001 runout or less. Last time I corresponded with him, he had just finished a 260 chambering. He said the needle on the gauge did not move period when he checked the runout on that one. Moral of the story?.......
.you dont have to be "known" to do excellent work !
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Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Cooper use Wilson Arms barrels? Nuff said!!! However, I have heard good things about X-caliber barrels, so I don't think you would really go too wrong either way.
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