X-Caliber Barrels

When you say erratic, did you do measurements?
When you say they foul up pretty bad, what round count are you referring to? Carbon, copper or both?

Yes, measurements. I've seen both oversized and undersized bores as well as incorrect twists.

The fouling is similar to a factory barrel where they shoot well when fouled, but they're incredibly hard to get clean of both carbon and copper. Most of the guys I know using them just don't clean them that often so it's not an issue.
Yes, measurements. I've seen both oversized and undersized bores as well as incorrect twists.

The fouling is similar to a factory barrel where they shoot well when fouled, but they're incredibly hard to get clean of both carbon and copper. Most of the guys I know using them just don't clean them that often so it's not an issue.
I use the exact same pins and pilots to dial in the ones I have with a snug fit. As for cleaning, I've never had a problem.
What do you use to measure the bore? Tape measure and cleaning rod for twist measurements?
I like how they machine. They dial in fine on the lathe. They shoot very well. They aren't $350 for a blank :)
To each their own. I've built and shot most brands and love Krieger for business dealings in the past. They will always have my respect and thanks due to a charity event we did together. Long story.
They machine very nice because the heat treat is for machining and pulling a button with what they have rather than for being treated for a rifle barrel! Have you checked the twist rate and slugged the bores before putting them in the lathe?
You can see skips in the lapping sometimes, sometimes good.
You can check with a reamer pilot but only so far, you need to slug it to feel how the bore changes with the contour.
They treat after. Call Wilson and talk to their chief engineer. Worked with him a year ago on some projects and he was knowledgeable in the treating process after fluting, etc. They shoot great and machine easy, imo. I've only worked on about 30 though ;)
They treat after. Call Wilson and talk to their chief engineer. Worked with him a year ago on some projects and he was knowledgeable in the treating process after fluting, etc. They shoot great and machine easy, imo. I've only worked on about 30 though ;)
You might want to go watch them actually make a barrel!!
I'm getting confused who everyone is talking about.

bigngreen, are you saying you saw inconsistency and issues with Wilson Arms (not to be confused with Wilson Combat) or X-Caliber?

My biggest issue is I ordered a Remage from McGowen and had a lot of issues. I want to get a good barrel in 6.5 PRC. Criterion is my first choice, but they won't chamber in 6.5 PRC. So i'm trying to figure out who to go with.

Pac-Nor was my first choice, but they recently had a fire and won't be taking orders for 6 months.

PVA seems to make great barrels but has extremely long wait times. (leaning towards seeing if they have black friday sale again)

Bug Nuts seems kinda pointless. By the time i pay for his bug nut setup, barrel, and machine work it will cost more then a shouldered barrel.

Preferred Barrel Blanks which is a new company i believe that split off of Match Grade Machine. Seems like there are a lot of good reviews on their barrels for Thompson guns.

Ragged Holes uses Wilson barrels for Remages. Seems like overall Wilson barrels seem good.

My head is spinning on who to choose. I just don't want to waste my money and time again getting a crappy barrel like i did with Mcgowen and their terrible quality and customer service.
I have 3 X calibers and they all shoot very well with minimal load work up. I have found them hard to get clean down to metal. I have also had great success with McGowan and criterion. These are all on Savage actions and they shot well with their factory barrels before the barrel swap.
I use the exact same pins and pilots to dial in the ones I have with a snug fit. As for cleaning, I've never had a problem.
What do you use to measure the bore? Tape measure and cleaning rod for twist measurements?

We used a lead slug to measure the bores. The incorrect twist rates were initially diagnosed with key holing bullets, then with the old cleaning rod trick, then by cutting 3" off the barrels, milling half of the diameter off and measuring the twist.
I purchased a X-caliber barrel in 260 Rem. It was 20" finish length and had it installed on a Rem Model 7 receiver. Plan was this would be a rifle for my son and/or wife. Here is how it shot on its first range session

54FF4508-8A1C-468C-8E7B-8B3BD1F5CEC0_zpsg6vgqe3z - Copy - Copy.jpg
I have used 2 of their barrels and did get a 20 cal blank with the sale. One of the two was a Savage prefit. They have shot really well and better or equal to any <$600 factory rifle I've owned.

Since they raised their prices, I'm partial to paying $100 more for a premium brand, Thus, I only consider X-caliber when they go on sale. X-caliber is my current middle of the road price point recommendation.
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