X-Caliber Barrels

I am not saying you're bashing either company. I'd be upset if I had a customer service rep give me attitude also. Though I'm sure they hear a lot of stories. My 2 cents is to shoulder a big magnum like that. I'm sorry you had a bad experience and I'm sorry if I came off accusing you, that's the joy of no one talking face to face and reading from behind a keyboard, we all take things differently. With all that said I hope you get something figured out. I will be doing a test and review of the carbon barrels here in the next 2 months I'm hoping. Still need the blank in hand and to send it to my smith. I'm hoping to do some testing reviewing and some video proof of how they look and clean. I went with a 6.5mm straight contour blank as I know I'll be putting it through it's paces at a few matches this season. I will be testing for deviance of group size on shot strings how it does with a few different powders and so on. I'll keep you all posted on my findings. All in all I'm hoping it will give guys some piece of mind and confidence when choosing a carbon barrel
There nothing wrong with the barrel nut concept but it wouldn't surprise me that the manufacture of the barrel should be providing the nut. It's just logic.

I also have been a victim of xcaliber hubris and know what you are talking about.
You guys read much? I said that Imay be in the wrong. they did help me out with a barrel nut, they did look at the barrel. What I don't like was the attitude of the person I was working with. It did shoot well when the nut was tight. My piece of mind for a barrel nut magnum is shot! You are right it was wrong to put a remage barrel on a Stiller action. it won't happen again. The purpose of my posting was to bring attention to a possible issue either with magnum remage barrels, barrel nuts, or custom actions with the remage system. It is a personal issue with x-caliber for me. I'm sure many out there have good relations with them and their product. This brings light to why Criterion won't do some magnum and WSM cartridges. FYI x-caliber wanted to see the barrel before I sent it anywhere else. Maybe they did have some issues with it before? You can hear their story if you like. Give them a call. I don't feel like I really threw them under the bus but the BS flag was flying. All companies have issues with something or another and to tell some one otherwise is hard to believe. Again, I don't know but from things I have read I doubt it.
There is nothing wrong with using a barrel nut with your Stiller action; you just need a better one (https://patriotvalleyarms.com/barrel-nut-for-savage-remage-barrels/). To ask to check the barrel before sending it elsewhere is taking responsibility and making sure their barrel is GTG.

Yes, I have spoken to them quite a few times, and I have never had any BS issues that you experienced.
I am not saying you're bashing either company. I'd be upset if I had a customer service rep give me attitude also. Though I'm sure they hear a lot of stories. My 2 cents is to shoulder a big magnum like that. I'm sorry you had a bad experience and I'm sorry if I came off accusing you, that's the joy of no one talking face to face and reading from behind a keyboard, we all take things differently. With all that said I hope you get something figured out. I will be doing a test and review of the carbon barrels here in the next 2 months I'm hoping. Still need the blank in hand and to send it to my smith. I'm hoping to do some testing reviewing and some video proof of how they look and clean. I went with a 6.5mm straight contour blank as I know I'll be putting it through it's paces at a few matches this season. I will be testing for deviance of group size on shot strings how it does with a few different powders and so on. I'll keep you all posted on my findings. All in all I'm hoping it will give guys some piece of mind and confidence when choosing a carbon barrel
I agree %110 on the no face to face thing. That is a big reason why I hate texting and talking on forms. I had trouble finding much information on my subject so I thought I would bring it to light. I hesitated for a long time because I hate talking on forms as it gives me anxiety waiting to see how people respond. I do a lot of shooting and working with others to get them comfortable shooting. This was my second go round with a remage system. First was a 6mm CM from criterion that is just awesome! I was in the wrong trying to go the barrel nut route with my magnum build and it is now a shoulder Brux 338 RUM. I hate talking bad about anyone or any company because We all have our good and bad days. I left a lot out about the personal dealing because of that and should have just not even mentioned the personal part of the dealings. I even ordered a factory ultra mag action to give it another try but my conscience will always be second guessing it. Hope I can find a home for it but for where I hunt and what I do for work I need to have confidence in my equipment.
robpiat: I agree with your statement and real like my 6cm. Have helped others set up 6.5 cms on the remage system and they are great as well. The point of this was to bring attention to the magnums. maybe the larger barrel nut is the ticket and I was just too early to the party.
You guys have a Merry Christmas and be safe out there!
I did a carbon 7 twist 6.5x47 and it shoots the 130 MTH in the .4 range and took a deer at 672 yards.
Also did a carbon 7 twist 300 RUM that shoots even better and took a cow at 987 yards with a 227 HH.
Both of these are barrel nut guns because I like to do them myself. I paid the expedite fee and had them in just over 4 weeks.
I have yet to scope either for wear as I don't have a ton of rounds thru them but they shoot great and I am pleased with them. Just got the tracking numbers for a 7mm Rem barrel that I ordered to rebarrel a friends rifle.
Great to hear I got the 6.5 and did expedited shipping but also did the cryogenics figure I'd do it all to do the test
On my 3rd Xcal Savage, and the barrel nut, is a non issue. I have also had a shouldered Savage barrel. I have yet to question Xcaliber's barrels or workmanship, yet. I did however, on my recent 28 Nosler 27" re-barrel, go with an upgraded barrel nut, that has wrench flats, for convenience more than anything.
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