Any opinions on X Caliber barrels

Saving 100.00 on a barrel is silly when it's the most important part of a accurate gun and a small fraction of the cost for a custom rifle. Cry once and be done IMO.

Seeing how you are not going after the pre-fit benefit this is exactly how I feel. I like cut rifles for custom chambering, but Greg Tannel chambered a .300 Lapua in a Lilga 3 groove I owned that was nick named the laser beam, excellent barrel.

Don Dunlap
Cost difference was much more than $100. That was the only reason I had looked at it. The barrel from Bartlein that I was looking at was right at 380 for that I was quoted the XCALIBER ready to bolt on.
There are many places in a rifle to save that money, if you look at a company like Bartlien who makes a LOT of barrels a year and they charge what they do where do these other companies save all this money, something to think about.
Fully understand and agree. Thats why I asked if money can be saved thats great as long as it doesnt compromise quality.
Barrels are the one component that can be a gamble, with stocks and actions we can tell if there is an issue just as they come to us so QC is easy. A barrel is easy to get warrantied if you can find something before cutting on it, once you've chambered it and shot it getting one warrantied is very difficult.
Makes alot of sense to go with the more established barrel maker then. Seems it would improve the odds tremendously
Brux makes really good barrels and they are 300.00 up to 30". The last time I looked at X-caliber they were 230.00 for a 26" contoured blank. I've pretty much gone to just using Brux and Bartlein for barrels. I will use the occasional Krieger too but they tend to be harder to come by. The last barrels I ordered from Brux took 5 weeks to get. That's pretty fast compared to Bartlein and Krieger or just about any other top tier barrel maker for that matter.

Cut rifled barrels seem to have fewer duds compared to buttoned rifled barrels so that is all I use for my personal guns anymore. I've had duds from just about every button rifled barrel company out there except Schneider and Broughton and I've used barrels from almost every maker there is.
I am with Bigngreen. I am a Montanan and really like to use the MT companies. Right now I am most impressed with Proof barrels here in MT. I should also say that I have only very good experience from Lilja. Rock Creek is top of the list as well.

I am with Bigngreen. I am a Montanan and really like to use the MT companies. Right now I am most impressed with Proof barrels here in MT. I should also say that I have only very good experience from Lilja. Rock Creek is top of the list as well.


Ditto in supporting Montana made products. I hope they're paying attention and working on corrective measures in addressing the QC/QA issues.

7mm-08 ar 10 shoots about 1.5 moa consistent waiting on jp high pressure bolt maybe I can bump up the pressure gain accuracy. Going to try different company for 6.5 ar10 barrel
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