Again, we are talking about normal people hunting with normal rifles. I understand this blog is called Long Range Hunting, but the 270 as well as the 6.8 Western kick the butt of the 6.5 CM all the way across the hay-field at normal long range hunting distances. To my humble way of thinking, no ethical hunter should shoot at any game animal beyond 300 yards, and never beyond 600 yards.
The chances of a first round
fatal hit at longer ranges show diminishing returns as range increases. I don't know how many of you are familiar with the Backfire series on You Tube, but in many of their shows, Jim shows the probability of a first round hit, mostly at ranges out to 600 yards is not all that good, and the few times the show, shooting out to 1000 shows the improbability of a first round hit all the time. The second point to make here is, in my humble opinion, hunting ends and execution begins, probably at around 400 yards. Beyond that, the animal does not know that you are there, and thus it is no longer hunting but mostly attempted murder of a game animal.
I know that many of you will disagree with my thoughts, many are controversial around here. However,
Freedom of Speech, is guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. I will express mine. I will listen to yours. We are free to discuss our different thoughts. This freedom is brought to you by the United States Military and every veteran who has ever served.