Why reload??

Sully, my thoughts for what they are worth...

If your intent is to zero, store and shoot deer once in a while at close range, I'd find me a brand of factory ammo around 165-185 grains that your rifle likes and stock up on that. If you get ammo with good brass, let me know and I'll take it off your hands! :D

Good Luck Buddy!

reloading is a self taught art. a reloader, is a very good reader. we buy books to get educated, look at the self explanatory pictures, tune our skills. a reloader is adventureous (sp). we r very precise in the art of reloading. we will talk for hours with other reloaders about experiences. we r reclusive, yet informative. we love the art of shooting. the art of perfection. we genuinely love small groups, the groups r the end result of our knowledge and if u would say perfection. Einstein has nothing on a good reloader. I have been reloading 40yrs. I will continue to read, learn and shoot. I am a aircraft inspector-mechanic. the reloaders forum is why I belong to the LRHmag. never ending place of knowledge.

shoot shoot shoot
just countrylightbulb
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reload for the same reasons why you bought that rifle. You like it, want it, enjoy it and just because you want to.
My fav deer rifle is a sav 11 in 7rm, and since I live in NS. Canada the long shot would be around 200 yrds around a power transmition line. My average deer shot is 100 feet and since 2008 I have not shot over 100 yrds. So why do I bother with reloading that cannon when a 3030 would do the job? Because I want to :D
If you don't want to, then don't. If it were me I would do it for the accuracy. I would load develop and then load a 100 rnds all with the same lot of components. You would be set for a long time.

Sully2, you behave! :D

I reload because I can and I enjoy it, it's one of my stress reliefs. :cool:

If you can't reload for the game in your local area, you can always load for targets.


(Taken with 225g NAB out of .338 Win Mag at 338 yards :):Dgun) )
Sully2, you behave! :D

I reload because I can and I enjoy it, it's one of my stress reliefs. :cool:

If you can't reload for the game in your local area, you can always load for targets.


(Taken with 225g NAB out of .338 Win Mag at 338 yards :):Dgun) )

Im with ya Feenix, but how much target shooting am I going to be doing with this caliber?
Ive got a 222 on the bottom end that I do and shall reload for and of course my 22-250. But with this big booger...its doubtful.
I reload for a few reasons and they are all about the same in importance.

Firstly, I really enjoy it.

Secondly, I want to be able to match the round to my rifle/conditions.

Thirdly, I don't want to have to rely on an outside source for my ammo. Things are a changin' and we ought to be best prepared for the worst.
So you don't target shoot or hunt with it a lot....

So yeah factory ammo which will be sub-optimal in accuracy and WAY more expensive per round may be the way to go. But I'm not sure why you are bothering with the rifle if you don't intend to shoot it.

I've got a couple rifles I don't shoot much. But it doesn't take much to pay off the dies, and other calibers paid off the bulk of the reloading equipment, so why not shoot awesome ammo when I do shoot them...
So you don't target shoot or hunt with it a lot....

So yeah factory ammo which will be sub-optimal in accuracy and WAY more expensive per round may be the way to go. But I'm not sure why you are bothering with the rifle if you don't intend to shoot it.

I've got a couple rifles I don't shoot much. But it doesn't take much to pay off the dies, and other calibers paid off the bulk of the reloading equipment, so why not shoot awesome ammo when I do shoot them...

My thoughts exactly... But he also sold his .25-06 AI because he said fire-forming brass was too much hassel... I have 3 Ackleys (including a .25-06 AI) and forming brass has not been a hassel for any of them...

I'm just starting to think the the OP just doesn't like reloading, or doesn't trust himself enough to reload.

The only guns I own that I don't shoot are antique family heirlooms passed down to me. The rest all have had a healthy dose of lead through them recently.
My thoughts exactly... But he also sold his .25-06 AI because he said fire-forming brass was too much hassel... I have 3 Ackleys (including a .25-06 AI) and forming brass has not been a hassel for any of them...

I'm just starting to think the the OP just doesn't like reloading, or doesn't trust himself enough to reload.

The only guns I own that I don't shoot are antique family heirlooms passed down to me. The rest all have had a healthy dose of lead through them recently.

Your wrong in all cases!
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