Why reload??

My thoughts exactly... But he also sold his .25-06 AI because he said fire-forming brass was too much hassel... I have 3 Ackleys (including a .25-06 AI) and forming brass has not been a hassel for any of them...

I'm just starting to think the the OP just doesn't like reloading, or doesn't trust himself enough to reload.

The only guns I own that I don't shoot are antique family heirlooms passed down to me. The rest all have had a healthy dose of lead through them recently.

I started reloading for 38 Specials back in 1970...so Ive done it awhile..

I didnt use the term "hassel" I said it was a PITA when I could be doing someing more enjoyable and productive...such as my 22-250 or 243.

As far as having 3 Ackleys you load for tells me something...A) you have too much time on your hands...or..B) You cant be satisified with an off the shelf caliber for any type of hunting. I more than trust myself to reload for my rifles AND pistols
As far as having 3 Ackleys you load for tells me something...A) you have too much time on your hands...or..B) You cant be satisified with an off the shelf caliber for any type of hunting. I more than trust myself to reload for my rifles AND pistols
The delivery might be a tad harsh......

Honey catches more flys than salt.

By your standards Mud may indeed have "too much time on his hands" by his and mine, no way:D

Mud has plenty of "off the shelf", doesn't mean a tinkerer should stop being a tinkerer. The world was made what it is, for good or ill, by people who could not be satisfied. There is always room for different or improvement. If there weren't we would all be driving the same car to the same job, doing the same recreations, etc..

Same is boring. What I make for me is exciting, for me. May be of no interest for you but that does not mean I or Mud should not make it.
The delivery might be a tad harsh......

Honey catches more flys than salt.

By your standards Mud may indeed have "too much time on his hands" by his and mine, no way:D

Mud has plenty of "off the shelf", doesn't mean a tinkerer should stop being a tinkerer. The world was made what it is, for good or ill, by people who could not be satisfied. There is always room for different or improvement. If there weren't we would all be driving the same car to the same job, doing the same recreations, etc..

Same is boring. What I make for me is exciting, for me. May be of no interest for you but that does not mean I or Mud should not make it.
Thank you Fred. I couldn't have said it better myself.
I started reloading for 38 Specials back in 1970...so Ive done it awhile..

I didnt use the term "hassel" I said it was a PITA when I could be doing someing more enjoyable and productive...such as my 22-250 or 243.

As far as having 3 Ackleys you load for tells me something...A) you have too much time on your hands...or..B) You cant be satisified with an off the shelf caliber for any type of hunting. I more than trust myself to reload for my rifles AND pistols

It's not that I have "too much time on my hands", it's that I MAKE the time to learn and hone new skills and to gain as much knowledge as I possibly can, about things that interest me.

If guns and reloading are not that big of an interest to you, then you might be trying to force a hobby upon yourself, that you just really aren't that interested in.

I own LOTS of off-the-shelf calibers. I reload for about 18 different calibers ("rifles AND pistols") at the moment. I enjoy reloading. I find it constructive and knowledge-building, and I also find it interesting learning about P.O. Ackley, and the dynamics of what makes his Improved chamberings more efficient. I like designing my own custom wildcat calibers based on other established calibers, just to see what I can come up with. And getting as much performance as possible out of any given caliber, is something I strive for. Just like I strive for getting the most precision and consistant handloads that I can make. And getting the most accuracy as I possibly can out of my rifles. It all falls in-line with the same thing.

If that is not who you are, or what you are interested in, that is understandable, but don't mistake making time, for "having too much free time".

Oh, and BTW, just to make sure that I have absolutely no life, I'm going to be building a 4th Ackley, and possibly a Sherman caliber before the end of the year. :rolleyes:
Oh, and BTW, just to make sure that I have absolutely no life, I'm going to be building a 4th Ackley, and possibly a Sherman caliber before the end of the year. :rolleyes:

I HAVE A LIFE...hence the reason I dont want to waste time on items that have a low return. Except for winter time I have an RV to take care of...and this spring I was sick for more than 3 months...so I myself stay busy!
I HAVE A LIFE...hence the reason I dont want to waste time on items that have a low return. Except for winter time I have an RV to take care of...and this spring I was sick for more than 3 months...so I myself stay busy!

See what happens when you stir the pot when you get bored. You behave now you hear!
I HAVE A LIFE...hence the reason I dont want to waste time on items that have a low return. Except for winter time I have an RV to take care of...and this spring I was sick for more than 3 months...so I myself stay busy!
So, those of us who enjoy reloading, shooting, and learning....Basically, anything you deem a "waste of time"... Means we don't have a life? :rolleyes:
Its quite apparent that some of you dont!
Glad it seems that way...

But I don't understand the point of starting this thread about not reloading, in the reloading section, when you already know you don't want to reload for a particular rifle... Was it just to waste time, or start controvery?
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