Whats the worse most dangerous hunt you ever went on ?

Not topping the OP or the Africa uprising.

My scariest hunt was when I had a tent get run over by a herd of elk in the middle of the night. Scared the $#!+ out of me. I never got stepped on, luckily.
Yes sir, that would be spooky. You have no control over those elk. All you can do is sit tight. Never been spooked by elk. I have only seen them in the daylight, at a distance, and running away from me.
A hog charging at me in high grass. Literally did the straddle jump so he could keep on going.
Cleaning a elk at night when a bear decided he wanted the meat more than me and my buddy. That was a fun night. Almost lost a thumb in the process. I was cleaning when the bear rolled in. My Glock is mounted on my chest. I forgot to drop the knife before pulling the pistol.
Not sure dangerous is the pronoun that I would have chose. There is a fine line between bravery and idiocracy, and I never figured out which side of the line that I was on. Have you pondered that?
More than once. Not sure if the proponents of said caliber and load for dangerous game have, though.
Let me get this straight. There was attempted murder on your life…and you brushed it off?

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Hhmmm.......does not sound right to me as well.
Pilot and the ex love of his life would be behind bars if he reported it, and the Red Barron would never have had his pilot's licence re-newed......
The most dangerous hunt was in 1981. One of our party killed a bull elk at 2pm on the day he had to leave and catch a flight back home in 24 hours. We're ten miles into the West Elk Wilderness in Colorado. Its getting dark by the time the elk and his stuff is attached to two pack horses. We road out of the mountains on horse back in the pitch black. When we weren't in the dark timber I could at least see my horse. I'd remembered how steep the drop offs were as we packed in and had my rifle in my hands across the saddle and my toes barely in the stirrups, I hoped that if I had to de saddle I jumped the right direction.. At times I couldn't see my hand held in front of my face. About two hours into the ride the guy we're packing out pulled out a cigarette and lighter, the horses didn't react well to that, they stopped dead in their tracks and quivered He was threatened with bodily harm if he did it again. Four butt puckering hours later my horse stopped and refused to go another step. I reluctantly stepped off hoping there was ground on the left side of him and not a long slide down. Once I was standing there I pulled out my flashlight and covered it with my hand so only a small amount of light escaped. I'm looking at the gate to the corral. Thank you God.I open the gate and walk the two hundred yards to where the outfitter had a trailer and wall tents.I promised myself I'd never do that again unless it was life or death. The horse was great, and I'm glad the outfitter was right when he said to let the horse lead you out if you get lost. I wouldn't say we were lost because I couldn't see the horse, just hoping the horse wasn't lost.
Can't beat the better stories. I was, however; charged by the griz that mauled my buddy earlier the same day. Not much more than a 1/4 mile from where the life flight picked my buddy up. Luckily I was on a horse that got me out of there.

Close second would be riding a horse in Kyrgyzstan. Places you shouldn't go. Places so dangerous that the guides had you take your feet out of the stirrups so you could bail off the horse if it slipped and headed downhill. The instructions were to go off on the uphill side so the horse didn't roll on you. You'd go several hundred feet once you started…..
A cow elephant at 20 yds in the bush. She luckily didn't smell or hear us or we'd of had to try and shoot her to stop the charge. I watched an elephant from the same group chase a guy that rode a scooter past the herd down the road. It chased him a quarter mile….. Darn cheeky elephant

Won't compare to some of the others, but a bit exciting at the time.