Using drone to scout for animals?

I assume you'll be returning your variable powered scopes, rangefinders, ballistics programs, high BC bullets, spotting scopes and insulated hunting boots then?

Come on, that's like comparing apples to oranges. I only use the rifle, scope, and ammo out of that list anyway. Also, that stuff is on your person. You still have to get to the game and find it first. There's still some skill in locating it and taking the shot. With long range shooting people forget that there's a lot of prep and skill to make that shot. There's absolutely nothing required of you as a hunter to use a drone.

I conceded and gave the old guys a break since they need some kind of edge to stay out and keep hunting, but if you're able bodied and using a drone, then what's the point of hunting? You're negating exercise, being outdoors, using some kind of hard work and skill to shoot game, and then not to mention fair chase. You don't have to look for animal signs, or track, or set up stands. The animals can't even get away. I've seen people in vehicles with weapon systems who can't escape drones. You think an animal has any kind of chance?

If you want to use drones then that's fine. But don't post on a forum asking for an opinion and then everyone gets upset about an opinion. Im not going to stop anyone from using a drone, but it's my opinion that if you use one it's lazy and not fair to game. Its that simple. Keep drones for hunting ISIS, not for hunting game.
You and KyCarl need to use your brains. Lazy is lazy, disabled is not lazy. And yes laziness affects us very much when Libtards think we act like that and seeing some lazy rude dumb hunters act like it, it gives the rest of us a bad name. Second you can't see very far ahead with the drone thing because the next step is the drone does the killing.

And in ur version of the future does terminator go back in time to go after you?
If someone wants to be lazy, who gives a ****? It doesn't affect me and if it does, find a new place to hunt! If they aren't breaking the law they can do what they want how they want. Maybe you should mind ur own business.
Why do you think that DOCTORS want you to have exercise ? This is to help with many body functions ! I don't remember them all because there are many, but a few are that it keeps and helps build many of your body's muscles including your heart, that alone may keep a person from an early stroke or heart attack ! Not what I say but Fact ! Eating right also can help you to live longer and be healthier ! Being healthy is where you get those people who can do things that many others can't later in life ! This is not to say that a healthy person won't have a heart attack, and yes someone in a family that has a history of early strokes and hart attacks are more prone to have one ; A doctor will tell you that in that case it more important that a person exercises and eats well to have a better chance at living longer! Again it is FACT, not what I say ! Every year I read about people having heart attacks while hunting, again doctors say this can be caused by going out hunting and exerting yourself to points that you are not used to! That's why they start you in an exercise program easy and work you slowly up in the amount of exercising that you do When planning a western hunt it is well known that on has to be in good physical shape to be able to take the demanding physical requirements of many of those kind of hunts ! Again DOCTORS advise hunters to condition themselves before going hunting ! The more demanding the hunt the more on has got to get into shape ! Some people will not listen to reason and a Doctor will be the first to tell you that ! Not saying that is you but Some things you are denying are simply the truth that you seem not to want to accept !

You sound like a liberal, telling everyone how they should live according to what you think or what your doctor tells you. Let people live as they please. Unless they are breaking the law leave them alone.
Ever wonder why they call what a doctor does, "Practicing medicine". LOL
I don't think anyone was saying to shoot animals with the drone...more for scouting purposes I assumed.

But, people hunt hogs out of helicopters all the time and nobody has a problem with that.

I see drone usage no better or worse than how the "spider bull" was killed.
I don't think anyone was saying to shoot animals with the drone...more for scouting purposes I assumed.

But, people hunt hogs out of helicopters all the time and nobody has a problem with that.

I see drone usage no better or worse than how the "spider bull" was killed.

I don't agree with the helicopter hog hunting either. Just call it killing at that point. I get frustrated when guys justify it to me as hunting or eliminating a pest. Just call a spade a spade. They like killing hogs from a helicopter. There's no other reason. What's the spider bull? I haven't heard of that.
Hell...i wouldn't mind a chance to exterminate hogs from a helicopter...that looked like a lot of fun on PigMan....i usually am in the brush cant see squat...helo ride...hell yes......
Drones for scouting...who cares as long as it doesn't chase animals around..enough of that with photographers using them these days just for their own profits...
Drones for kind of awesome to use one somehow to stick a pig or something like that....but for deer and elk..nah......get yourself out there to enjoy the woods...afterall it is called hunting..allbeit that a lot of guys "hunting" these days don't eat what they shoot...should they be out there...
I have a drone, a DJI mavic, 7km range, 30min flight time, excellent camera. For long range target shooting it's a fast method of checking ur target.
For use on game, I think it's a ridiculously unethical and completely missing the point of hunting. If used to exterminate invasive or overpopulated animals is another thing.
I don't think it would be very effective for trophy hunting. To properly judge antlers, you would have to be too close and the first time deer hear the whine of a drone they freak right out, but like anything they get used to it yet it would certainly ruin any advantage of locating a trophy
I don't agree with the helicopter hog hunting either. Just call it killing at that point. I get frustrated when guys justify it to me as hunting or eliminating a pest. Just call a spade a spade. They like killing hogs from a helicopter. There's no other reason. What's the spider bull? I haven't heard of that.

A lot of the hogs killed from a helicopter are recovered and donated to food banks FYI. And I see nothing wrong with shooting pics from a helicopter. We have been shooting the enemy from helicopters for years.
I don't agree with the helicopter hog hunting either. Just call it killing at that point. I get frustrated when guys justify it to me as hunting or eliminating a pest. Just call a spade a spade. They like killing hogs from a helicopter. There's no other reason. What's the spider bull? I haven't heard of that.
Put yourself in the position that hogs are damaging your land and livelihood, no different than wolves, or perhaps a deer population has cwd and needs to be culled before they transmit it to bovines and nothing is as effective as helicopter hunting to really exterminate animals. It's not hunting it's a totally different deal
Put yourself in the position that hogs are damaging your land and livelihood, no different than wolves, or perhaps a deer population has cwd and needs to be culled before they transmit it to bovines and nothing is as effective as helicopter hunting to really exterminate animals. It's not hunting it's a totally different deal

I said I don't agree with it. I didn't say you can't do it. I personally would not participate. I've shot a ton of hogs before no issues hunting. I'm glad you agree it's not hunting. Thank you for acknowledging that.
I said I don't agree with it. I didn't say you can't do it. I personally would not participate. I've shot a ton of hogs before no issues hunting. I'm glad you agree it's not hunting. Thank you for acknowledging that.
I think I understand, your arguing the semantics of it. And yeah it's certainly not hunting, but I'm betting if you had xnumber Of pigs wrecking damaging crops that will cost you 10-20k$ And not the time to hunt them all I'm betting the helicopter solution would look appealing. All I'm saying there's another point of view that's valid
As i have said before, when pigs are involved, anything goes. They are not a game animal and their populations need to stay in check. They are prolific and can have several litters a year. They destroy ground nesting birds(quail) and eat the small game turkeys, small calves, baby deer and others. If they grow to big enough sizes they become a threat to humans.
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If i remember correctly...the Spanish brought the Russian hogs over...some to turn loose..others to use as an immediate food supply...
I guess you can blame it all on my forefathers came across with Cortez...killed, raped and pillaged the incan and mayan Indians...and we ended up in worse troubles because that created.....mexicans....the cross of pure spanish blood into Indian blood.....
Being a 7th generation Californian..where my forefathers settled most of the lower Pacific grandfather owned a million acre chunk of land south of San Francisco...which after the Spanish/American war was confiscated by the United States of America to become....
Sh-t't kill them all....but get as many as possible.....
As for Drones....if they are fully licensed...whose to say how they can be used.....realtors, photographers, news media, hunting shows....its all regulated.....

And pigs are game California......and it's expensive to hunt them....might as well hunt an elk....
I'd bet you a lolly pop and the dirty magazine under my mattress my daddy could beat up your daddy. Haha

I almost forgot, but you reminded me. That backpack hunt we just did? Just in case you were wondering, my dad packed in his own pack with all his own gear and carried his own rifle.

What I find is that it is really easy to be lazy 330+ days out of the year and then come hunting season, people need a quad. Like someone else pointed out above, there is a difference between lazy and disabled. I would like to add a third category that we all know exists: disabled through laziness. Notice I am not saying that all disabled people are lazy. But lots of 'em are!
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