Using drone to scout for animals?

WOW !!!
This post has gone from drones to fore wheeler's and the bottom line is that Some will follow the law and some wont. Some will be good sportsmen/courteous and try not to disturb other hunters, And some don't care if they do.

We have all had hunts ruined buy some idiot being at the wrong place at the wrong time and it is frustrating after all the preparation and planing, but it does happen.

There was also mention of High tech equipment and optics, range finders, weather meters, ballistic calculators and any other gadget that will help a person to make a good, humane kill. None of this helps you find the game, just harvest it humanly.

So,The solution is simple ! DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU. (Hmmmm Where have I heard this before).


How does a 60 to 80 power spotting scope or a darn good set of binoculars not help you find game? A drone it just binoculars with wings
How does a 60 to 80 power spotting scope or a darn good set of binoculars not help you find game? A drone it just binoculars with wings

It won't help you if it is in the next valley. It might help spot it if it is out of range, but you still have to close the distance to get a shot and normally the game sees/hears you first and is gone.

This is the main reason for long range hunting, to increase you range capabilities.

I would never use a drone for fear of messing someone else up.
many times i have watched game that I was hunting get shot by someone else that was much closer and i had no idea they were there.
flying would have messed them up. so I just chose not to use anything that might mess up someone's else up.

My standards may be different than others and that's OK . I just chose not to do certain things that could mess others up. :cool:

It won't help you if it is in the next valley. It might help spot it if it is out of range, but you still have to close the distance to get a shot and normally the game sees/hears you first and is gone.

This is the main reason for long range hunting, to increase you range capabilities.

I would never use a drone for fear of messing someone else up.
many times i have watched game that I was hunting get shot by someone else that was much closer and i had no idea they were there.
flying would have messed them up. so I just chose not to use anything that might mess up someone's else up.

My standards may be different than others and that's OK . I just chose not to do certain things that could mess others up. :cool:


Ok...think about this...if you had taken that shot from afar, not knowing other hunters were closer, then you would've messed up their hunt anyway...not even with a drone or a quad...
Ok...think about this...if you had taken that shot from afar, not knowing other hunters were closer, then you would've messed up their hunt anyway...not even with a drone or a quad...

One of our responsibilities as long range shooters/hunters is knowing what is around the game and what we have for a backstop. If I had taken these shots first, It would probably scare the hell out of the other hunter at best. and it would be my good luck. AT worst ??????.

Not preaching, Just stating how I feel about things.

It won't help you if it is in the next valley. It might help spot it if it is out of range, but you still have to close the distance to get a shot and normally the game sees/hears you first and is gone.

This is the main reason for long range hunting, to increase you range capabilities.

I would never use a drone for fear of messing someone else up.
many times i have watched game that I was hunting get shot by someone else that was much closer and i had no idea they were there.
flying would have messed them up. so I just chose not to use anything that might mess up someone's else up.

My standards may be different than others and that's OK . I just chose not to do certain things that could mess others up. :cool:


I your are that worried about messing other hunters up with noise I think a crossbow would be up ur alley
One of our responsibilities as long range shooters/hunters is knowing what is around the game and what we have for a backstop. If I had taken these shots first, It would probably scare the hell out of the other hunter at best. and it would be my good luck. AT worst ??????.

Not preaching, Just stating how I feel about things.


If you didn't known the other hunters were there that is there problem. Either they are not wearing their orange or they are just can't be seen by you position. In either case there isn't much you can do about it. And if your being safe 999 out of 1000 they are never in danger.
Great excuse for suppressors!!

Agreed. I almost always shoot suppressed. Even in our bench matches. I do hate the weight of them packing them around though. And the fact that they change the poi of all of my rifles but if u know it you can dope the correction in.
Agreed. I almost always shoot suppressed. Even in our bench matches. I do hate the weight of them packing them around though. And the fact that they change the poi of all of my rifles but if u know it you can dope the correction in.

Interesting. I have never seen anything get hit by a stray suppressor.

I worry about the bullet that has no brain. once you pull the trigger, your destiny is in it's hands. I have hunted over 55 years and have seen many things happen that could have been avoided. including 2 other hunters getting shot by someone that was not using caution.

The shooters have never been the same.

I have also seen a few *** whooping's served up to people that didn't care about other hunters because of just plain unsportsmanlike conduct. And I can see this happening if someone screws up someones hunt with a drone. we all make our own decisions and must live with it if something goes wrong.

Everyone can make there own decisions on what they want to do, so enjoy the drones if that is your thing.

Just My opinion

Interesting. I have never seen anything get hit by a stray suppressor.

I worry about the bullet that has no brain. once you pull the trigger, your destiny is in it's hands. I have hunted over 55 years and have seen many things happen that could have been avoided. including 2 other hunters getting shot by someone that was not using caution.

The shooters have never been the same.

I have also seen a few *** whooping's served up to people that didn't care about other hunters because of just plain unsportsmanlike conduct. And I can see this happening if someone screws up someones hunt with a drone. we all make our own decisions and must live with it if something goes wrong.

Everyone can make there own decisions on what they want to do, so enjoy the drones if that is your thing.

Just My opinion


did you even read what I responded to? Read into the context. And what kind of dumb statement is "you've never seen a stray suppressor hit anything".
I don't own a drone and I'm not about to buy one but if someone wants to use one where legal I don't care. They have as much right there as I do if it's public land. It annoys me when rifle hunters are using their scope technology when I'm bow hunting but life's tough, where a helmet.
This is certainly a interesting thread. Lots opinions which is good. I have no experience with drones nor ever will I. When the Z's and I were hunting antelope around Devils Tower, there was a sign that said, "Absolutely no drones". I asked a Park Ranger about this and he said the drones were harassing wildlife and people. The drones were creating such a problem they were given the permission to shoot down every drone. Right, wrong or indifferent, I do understand one thing about drones or any tool, it's not the drone that's the problem, it's the person controlling it.
This is certainly a interesting thread. Lots opinions which is good. I have no experience with drones nor ever will I. When the Z's and I were hunting antelope around Devils Tower, there was a sign that said, "Absolutely no drones". I asked a Park Ranger about this and he said the drones were harassing wildlife and people. The drones were creating such a problem they were given the permission to shoot down every drone. Right, wrong or indifferent, I do understand one thing about drones or any tool, it's not the drone that's the problem, it's the person controlling it.

I agree. Outlawing drones would be like outlawing guns. It's not the tool. It's the tool behind the remote control controlling it
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