Using drone to scout for animals?

Well if we compare....Jim Shockey and his argo to our trucks(or cars) getting us to our hunting getting pack animals in a pita....
Now if Shockley used a drone in his moose area...i don't think the animals would respond at all......have you ever heard a hoard of mosquitos coming at you in the numbers they fly in up there.....back when i could hear..driving in that country and got a flat out to change it and this eerie noise started coming our way.....we got back into the truck...with a few hundred blood suckers......that sound was eerie....the flat tire waited for quite some time.....
On one of Pigmans helicopter shows he Clearly states it's eradication of an invasive species not hunting and legal where he's doing it!

Lol he is full of it. I must buy a HUNTING license to hunt hogs in Texas and Oklahoma even if they have no season or bag limit and regardless of equipment used.
Lol he is full of it. I must buy a HUNTING license to hunt hogs in Texas and Oklahoma even if they have no season or bag limit and regardless of equipment used.

Do you need a hunting license? I didn't know that. Georgia regs just say hogs can be hunted year round, no limits on numbers, gear used, or methods.
Yea I looked it up. I'm in Kansas. And to go to Texas and hunt hogs I have to get an out of state hunting license. There is no seasoning no bag limit and they are really Relaxed on their equipment requirements.
Just because they collect a fee doesn't make it hunting! It makes it what it is..
Another way to put money in the coffers..They don't give one hoot about those
pigs...In Kentucky you have to have a fishing license to catch frogs.
Just because they collect a fee doesn't make it hunting! It makes it what it is..
Another way to put money in the coffers..They don't give one hoot about those
pigs...In Kentucky you have to have a fishing license to catch frogs.

If you guys want to use drones to scout for hunting you're going to need a pilots license AND a hunting license :D
No I really have no idea how to run a drone nor do I want to learn!
I got ticked over the ATV comments. Some of us have valid reasons to use
them. You will never see me with a drone or a smart phone for that matter!
Just because they collect a fee doesn't make it hunting! It makes it what it is..
Another way to put money in the coffers..They don't give one hoot about those
pigs...In Kentucky you have to have a fishing license to catch frogs.

If you are actively looking for an animal to kill you are hunting
No I really have no idea how to run a drone nor do I want to learn!
I got ticked over the ATV comments. Some of us have valid reasons to use
them. You will never see me with a drone or a smart phone for that matter!

If it wasn't for work I wouldn't own a smartphone. I don't care for them and I can't believe people buy them for their 10 year old kids
WOW !!!
This post has gone from drones to fore wheeler's and the bottom line is that Some will follow the law and some wont. Some will be good sportsmen/courteous and try not to disturb other hunters, And some don't care if they do.

We have all had hunts ruined buy some idiot being at the wrong place at the wrong time and it is frustrating after all the preparation and planing, but it does happen.

There was also mention of High tech equipment and optics, range finders, weather meters, ballistic calculators and any other gadget that will help a person to make a good, humane kill. None of this helps you find the game, just harvest it humanly.

So,The solution is simple ! DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU. (Hmmmm Where have I heard this before).

There was also mention of High tech equipment and optics, range finders, weather meters, ballistic calculators and any other gadget that will help a person to make a good, humane kill. None of this helps you find the game, just harvest it humanly.


That reminds me of the steroid scandal in baseball...sure they may make you hit the ball further...but you still need the skills to actually hit the ball...
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