Using drone to scout for animals?

I've had some fun firing blanks at a drone one time...:D The pilot was not impressed. I think he got the message though.

I don't know about open season on drones, but what about a bag limit of 3/day or something like that?

If wildlife management continues its current path, we're going to need something to hunt!
This is certainly a interesting thread. Lots opinions which is good. I have no experience with drones nor ever will I. When the Z's and I were hunting antelope around Devils Tower, there was a sign that said, "Absolutely no drones". I asked a Park Ranger about this and he said the drones were harassing wildlife and people. The drones were creating such a problem they were given the permission to shoot down every drone. Right, wrong or indifferent, I do understand one thing about drones or any tool, it's not the drone that's the problem, it's the person controlling it.

And I was worried about someone abusing the use of drones, and it appears that it is already happening in some places.

Interesting !!!

I don't thing there is many things ever created that weren't abused by someone. It's human nature for some people to abuse things. Especially newer technologies
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