I had an experience with gang/radio hunters a few years back. It is very hard to find a place to hunt in central Arkansas if you don't know somebody with a farm, even then their whole family hunts on it. Your hand is usually forced to get on a lease or hunt public land with everybody and their grandmother(really). Anyways, this was 5500 acres of what we call mountainous terrain(big hills) and lots of clearcuts with less then a dozen hunters signed up. Good numbers! The guy in charge actually lived on the edge of the property and grew up there. I went to meet him and see the place and his house was totally decorated with some very impressive mounts, they were everywhere. He said he had killed all those bucks on the property. Anyways I was totally impressed with this place and was happy to shell out a small fortune to hunt there. After several weekends scouting I was the only bow hunter in camp, which seemed odd to me. But I thought it was a good sign. I had been seeing a very-very good 10 pointer and several good deer but just couldn't get the big one close enough. The first day of muzzel loader season I perched myself in a spot down an old unused logging road to get a better shot at MY buck as he came in. As soon as the sun came up that guy and his whole family(who doesn't have to pay as I found out) were riding around on four wheelers and dirt bikes, yes I said dirt bikes, with radios. It kinda angers me when somebody has the nerve to ride up to me in a stand and ask if I had seen the big 10 point they were chasing. Yes I made the mistake of saying I'd seen a big buck in that area. I got down and left, mad as hell! I went home and calmed down. A couple weeks later was opening morning of gun season and I decided I paid enough and invested enough time to go back. When the sun came up guess what. This time it was worse, the were running dogs also, dozens of them! I freaking hate running deer with dogs...and the possy was hot on their tails. I got mad and got down. This time I went to the camp site to see if anybody had actually got anything. All the PAYING hunters were new to the camp, apparently they can't keep people around for more then a year. They were all as ****ed as I was. There were several (8 if I remember)good bucks hanging up, and MY big 10 point! But, none of them belonged to the paying members, just the presidents "GUESTS". According to a couple guys who camped out they heard four wheelers and gun shots all night. The rest of us said we were never coming back. I figured I was already there so I would finish out the day on a clearcut, may just get lucky and shoot something. Oh I did but not what I wanted. One of the jack -a$$es had the nerve to ride up with a cooler of beer and park a couple hundred yards in front of me. Seems they were doing a "drive" (literally). The second time he raised his rifle and looked at me through the scope I put a 162SST into the engine block of his four wheeler, walked to my truck and never went back.