Using drone to scout for animals?

All I will say is wait until you are 65 like I am.
I love my Yamaha Grizzly it gets me places that I can't walk to anymore.
It carries my rifle..cooler..dry clothes..and packs the deer out!
Think back in 35 years and see if things don't look a little different?

This year I hunted mule deer this season with my dad (72 years old) and brother. We backpacked in, gaining over 1500 vertical feet in the first mile. It was cold, blustery, and snowed a good deal. We camped at 9500 feet elevation. Bottom line is that if you take care of yourself like my dad has, you don't need no stinkin quad to be mobile and hostile. Are there exceptions? I bet we could find a few. But you're absolutely right 300whisper. You can see the same thing with guys who have $10,000 super duper lightweight road bikes (the human powered kind) and who clearly need to loose 20 pounds. The weight savings from a $5k bike to a $10k bike is measured in ounces, and yet...

For the record, I've never been torqued off at people who legally use quads to hunt. I myself have used a quad on one occasion. But I get quite ****ed when people use them illegally to hunt, which happens A LOT in "non-motorized" units here in Idaho. The law is flagrantly broken by 9/10 or more hunters that we see in these units. Pure laziness, selfishness, and entitlement.
You are exactly right. There are some of us with bad knees. I had a person old enough tp be my grandson to tell me i needed to get into shape. I think they convince this young generation in gyms that age is just a number. That was what happened to me after knee surgery last year. Until they pass 60 they just don't know
I am 66, have a torn meniscus, torn rotator cuff, 5 herniated discs, and what they call degenerative arthritis ! I worked hard to get my shoulder strength built up. The doc said that may help avoid the knife ! Seen too many of family and friends ruined by the knife, and some were helped, most were not! But the back can't be helped by an operation and I started taking Glucosamine chondroitin and believe that has helped my knee ! I even forget what one I injured ! But the degenerative arthritis will only keep making by back worst and my joints sore ! But even with all of these problems I have a couple of deer stands back in 1&1/2 miles or farther. There are gated roads or some trails I can walk and use a deer cart if I get one as I did the last day of the season last year ! It's still a long haul ! I also wear a prescription pain patch that constantly lets pain killers into my back, but that isn't enough many times when I cut fire wood or walk long distances ! I will continue to fight the pain to hunt the way I always have as long as I can ! I believe in the old saying ; if you don't use it you loose it !
Since neither of you are my Orthopedic Surgeon you really don't know what you are talking about.
OK So if I can't walk there I should just stop? My quad has an approved spark arresting exhaust it's quiet I very rarely go faster than a walk.
I try to slip in cover it up and walk the last 100 yards to my stand.
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I Have been to specialists that told me because of the degenerative arthritic that an operation would not help ! I was not talking about you, I have no Idea what causes your problems, but don't say I don't know what I am talking about, because I have been to your surgeons and have repeated here what I was told by them ! I don't know what problems you have , but I have more problems than a lot of people do, that just seem to give up trying when they get pain or bad news from the doc !
This year I hunted mule deer this season with my dad (72 years old) and brother. We backpacked in, gaining over 1500 vertical feet in the first mile. It was cold, blustery, and snowed a good deal. We camped at 9500 feet elevation. Bottom line is that if you take care of yourself like my dad has, you don't need no stinkin quad to be mobile and hostile. Are there exceptions? I bet we could find a few. But you're absolutely right 300whisper. You can see the same thing with guys who have $10,000 super duper lightweight road bikes (the human powered kind) and who clearly need to loose 20 pounds. The weight savings from a $5k bike to a $10k bike is measured in ounces, and yet...

For the record, I've never been torqued off at people who legally use quads to hunt. I myself have used a quad on one occasion. But I get quite ****ed when people use them illegally to hunt, which happens A LOT in "non-motorized" units here in Idaho. The law is flagrantly broken by 9/10 or more hunters that we see in these units. Pure laziness, selfishness, and entitlement.
This year I hunted mule deer this season with my dad (72 years old) and brother. We backpacked in, gaining over 1500 vertical feet in the first mile. It was cold, blustery, and snowed a good deal. We camped at 9500 feet elevation. Bottom line is that if you take care of yourself like my dad has, you don't need no stinkin quad to be mobile and hostile. Are there exceptions? I bet we could find a few. But you're absolutely right 300whisper. You can see the same thing with guys who have $10,000 super duper lightweight road bikes (the human powered kind) and who clearly need to loose 20 pounds. The weight savings from a $5k bike to a $10k bike is measured in ounces, and yet...

For the record, I've never been torqued off at people who legally use quads to hunt. I myself have used a quad on one occasion. But I get quite ****ed when people use them illegally to hunt, which happens A LOT in "non-motorized" units here in Idaho. The law is flagrantly broken by 9/10 or more hunters that we see in these units. Pure laziness, selfishness, and entitlement.

It's foolish to assume your dad is in good health just because he took care of himself. Genetics are odd. My wife's family lives into their 90s but loose there mind. My family has no history of loosing their mind but most stroke out in their 70s. People are just different. If your dad can do this at his age enjoy him. Because it's not going to last forever. One fall or misstep and it can end. I could assume your dad just didn't work hard enough throughout his life to maintain his good shape but that would be a crap assumption much like your assumption if everyone took care of themselves like your father they would be in the same shape as your father.
I'd bet you a lolly pop and the dirty magazine under my mattress my daddy could beat up your daddy. Haha
On my 72nd birthday I did 80 push-ups. A few months later when the grass started growing I tripped on a hose that I did not see in the grass. I had shoulder surgery to repair the muscles and tendons that tore off of the bone. A few months later carrying two bags of trash out to the trash trailer one of the bags of trash swung between my legs tripping me injuring my left shoulder. Now that both shoulders have had surgery I can't do even one push-up. If you live long enough things will happen.
Why does technology have to infiltrate every aspect of our lives? Because it's new? Because it's efficient?

I assume you'll be returning your variable powered scopes, rangefinders, ballistics programs, high BC bullets, spotting scopes and insulated hunting boots then?
Not anymore than anything else does. Also just because you see someone driving in or "being lazy" in another way you should stop and think about it. I've had a lot of friends with knee and one with hip replacements. That's pretty common anymore. Laziness would have to be judged on a individual bases. Not to say there aren't outright lazy people out there but if they aren't breaking the law or cant prove they are breaking the law ....just deal with it.
You and KyCarl need to use your brains. Lazy is lazy, disabled is not lazy. And yes laziness affects us very much when Libtards think we act like that and seeing some lazy rude dumb hunters act like it, it gives the rest of us a bad name. Second you can't see very far ahead with the drone thing because the next step is the drone does the killing.
Chiming in from MT. Straight from the reg book. "The use of unmanned aerial vehicles for the purposes of hunting is prohibited".

I'm more than ok with that. I think the broad statement would more than likely encompass scouting as well. I'm not a game warden or lawyer so test at your own risk.
[QUOTE="the hunter, post: 1500482, member: 100817" Libtards think[/QUOTE]

They don't think. They don't use logic or anything even resembling logic. They hate. They hate it when anyone can enjoy life. They are mentally ill. Some totally insane.
It's foolish to assume your dad is in good health just because he took care of himself. Genetics are odd. My wife's family lives into their 90s but loose there mind. My family has no history of loosing their mind but most stroke out in their 70s. People are just different. If your dad can do this at his age enjoy him. Because it's not going to last forever. One fall or misstep and it can end. I could assume your dad just didn't work hard enough throughout his life to maintain his good shape but that would be a crap assumption much like your assumption if everyone took care of themselves like your father they would be in the same shape as your father.
Why do you think that DOCTORS want you to have exercise ? This is to help with many body functions ! I don't remember them all because there are many, but a few are that it keeps and helps build many of your body's muscles including your heart, that alone may keep a person from an early stroke or heart attack ! Not what I say but Fact ! Eating right also can help you to live longer and be healthier ! Being healthy is where you get those people who can do things that many others can't later in life ! This is not to say that a healthy person won't have a heart attack, and yes someone in a family that has a history of early strokes and hart attacks are more prone to have one ; A doctor will tell you that in that case it more important that a person exercises and eats well to have a better chance at living longer! Again it is FACT, not what I say ! Every year I read about people having heart attacks while hunting, again doctors say this can be caused by going out hunting and exerting yourself to points that you are not used to! That's why they start you in an exercise program easy and work you slowly up in the amount of exercising that you do When planning a western hunt it is well known that on has to be in good physical shape to be able to take the demanding physical requirements of many of those kind of hunts ! Again DOCTORS advise hunters to condition themselves before going hunting ! The more demanding the hunt the more on has got to get into shape ! Some people will not listen to reason and a Doctor will be the first to tell you that ! Not saying that is you but Some things you are denying are simply the truth that you seem not to want to accept !
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