Unusual Coyote kills?


years ago..i was 19 at the time. i shot this one on wall deer hunting in VT...he walked up on me, and stopped about 60 yards away..it was early so i was going to let him walk. he stopped and looked at me, giving me time to think about it. so i let him have it...308 with a 150grain NBT...he jumped straight up and landed on his side, his legs still trying to run...the shot hit his heart and the exit hole looked like it dumped ever oz. of blood out of his body at once....since then i have been hooked on shooting them
I don't have any interesting stories...yet. However on the subject of the sled hunting...I had a friend tell me he'd ride up next to them, shotgun laid across his lap and let em have it.
Bird hunting with my gsp last season the dog ran threw some bush and woke up a coyote. the yote stood up, i was behind him by about 15 yards we were both watching my dog then i shoulder the shotgun and the movement or sound set him off running. i was already on him so just follow threw and pull the trigger he piled right up 30 yards number 6 bird shot .
Does chasing them, catching up and then running them over with a quad, snomobile or dirt bike count???

last year i got tire of wasting ammo so on 2 occasions i had coyotes commit suicide by running in front of my jeep while driving across the field to my stand .
A few years back, I had just gotten out of bed, and opened the shade for a bit of light in the darkened room. The kids had been awake already and heard the shade go up. The oldest daughter came into the room to greet us and beg for the french toast she always has to have for breakfast.

So I'm standing in my boxers, in front of the second story window, trying to get the sleep out of my eyes, and the daughter says to me, "there's a coyote running in the backyard". I think to myself, "yeah right". She says, "I'm not kidding". I take the bait and turn around. Lo and behold, she wasn't kidding. (For once)

I had been waiting for this opportunity for years. I had the screen to the window conveniently removed. I now just needed a rifle. To the safe! After what seemed like five minutes, I get the thing opened. Great! Rifle in hand! Oh no! No ammo! After running around like the village idiot in my shorts, (everyone was amused) trying to find some ammo, I find what I'm looking for.

The rifle I grabbed was the Kimber Model 82 gov't single shot CMP rifle. The ammo was CCI .22 shorts. Target shorts of course. I crack the window and the coyote hears this and changes his course slightly away from me. I squeek with my lips softly and he stops, but then goes back to leaving. I get him to stop again with another squeek, and I align the irons with his ear and gently break the shot.

The 29 grain bullet found it's intended mark, right down the earhole. He dropped as fast as any coyote I have ever shot with a centerfire. My wife commented to me, "he is still moving, hit him again". I told her, "no, he's dead, his brain never got the chance to get the message to his body". The distance was 70 yards. It was a smallish coyote and a bit mangy. He was a leav-er-rite. I saved the skull to showcase the shot, but a misguided nephew decided he needed it in pieces, so he smashed it to bits. Enjoy, Eric

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Anyone who would run a coyote over multiple times with a snowmachine has something wrong with them. Just sayin.
Anyone who would run a coyote over multiple times with a snowmachine has something wrong with them. Just sayin.

I've never been accused of being normal. LoL:D

No seriously, out here on the farms and ranches they get "population control" however we can administer it, and if a sled is the only weapon in hand when we see one, that's what we use.
After my buddy and I tagged out on deer this year on our annual hunting trip we took the land owner's son out to try to fill his tag. We go and check a canyon no deer but a large male yote doing mach 5 away from us. My buddy throws up his 338 custom wildcat and hits him with a 225 grain accubond at 306 yds offhand. The yote rolls then gets up and starts running again directly toward the edge of a 50 ft cliff. He puts on the brakes and skids to a stop just before he goes over. I send a 175 grain Nosler Partion from my 7mm Weatherby mag which hits him dead center of the chest @ 350 yds. The yote falls over backwards bounces back up and falls off the cliff. When we finally got to the bottom of the cliff and found him, he really didn't have much left of him that wasn't damaged. So we ended up just taking the tail, far to much damage to the pelt with those 2 large bullets hitting it and a fall of 50 ft off the cliff. Sure was fun though!
definatly buy an old truck if your gunna chase coyotes. me and my dad got hit by my uncle going 50 in the middle of field.. 2002 cummins.. that one hurt the wallet. butt we did get the coyote. i was riding shotgun. literally:) it is a rush like no other.
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