Any 17 WSM Coyote Kills?

I just got my B-mag the other week, and have shot a coyote. 125 yds on a gallop and dropped him in his tracks. I shot the 25 gr. HE loads.
I also put a decent scope on mine, so that helps too. Luepold VX1 3x9x40.

One heck of a gun. The bolt is a little tight, but I can get used to that...small trade-off in my mind.
The Winchester's MSRP is $1469.99, so yeah, still looking like the Savage to give it a try...
I shot a coyote with my .17 WSM Winchester super Mag shooting the 25 grain bullets. The shot was placed right behind the shoulder about three inches below spine and it dropped the coyote in its tracks. 75 yards shot on a 30 pound female. I was pretty impressed the hole wasn't big but I skinned the coyote and the internal damage looked greater than a .17.
That's awesome news. I hope to get out and use mine this coming week. I haven't been out all winter long. I'm desperate for a hunt.
I'm really glad to hear that the .17 WSM worked on coyotes. After I needed multiple shots to finish a raccoon that was making a mess of my barn I was starting to think my B mag would end up being useless. It's not accurate enough to hit anything smaller than a coyote at 100 yards.
I have a new Bmag, cheap gun and you get what you pay for. Barrel moves loosely in the flimsy stock. If you buy figure on restocking. Also out of the box would not cock on closing, fooled around with bolt for 1-2 hours of sighting in, finally discovered the adjust a trigger was sticking. Had to touch trigger each time to cock gun, need to address this problem. Good groups with 20 gr, fair with 25 gr, maybe 2", but no grouping. Will get rid of crap stock with what someone on line used from Boyd's Mitchell, SD. Should bring the 20 gr into an inch at 100.

I have shot lots of coyotes with .22 mag, usually one shot stop in there tracks with Winchester .40 gr hollow points, generally the cheapest available but shoots good groups for me and performs well. I think .17 may be a bit light unless under 100, but will see,may be surprised.
Just bought the Savage B Mag with Bull Barrel ordered a Custom Stock from Boyd's for it now waiting for the stock to arrive. They make stocks for the standard barrels and bull barrels. Putting a Nikon 4 x 12 -40 scope on it,

If anyone finds any 20 gr. bullets in stock please send me a PM.............

First time poster on this site but saw this string and thought I would add some commentary. I have a complete review over on for the BMag and .17 WSM, but I have hunted with it for yotes for two seasons. Where I hunt for them is in the 'burbs so you can only used rimfire or shotgun. Shotgun did not have enough reach and .22 mag would leave them off and running after shots beyond 50 yards. When the .17 WSM came out, I was sold on the ballistics for my purposes. I can say that it is devastating on coyotes out to my furthest shot of 120 yards. A well placed shot behind the shoulder or center chest for head on, eviscerates a rather large area of the vitals and drops them in their tracks. I use the 20 grain because the 25's do not shoot well out of my rifle. The extra 500 fps velocity more than makes up for the 5 grains less weight. I have sold my .22 mag rifle since I don't see a place for it any longer.

In terms of the rifle itself, it really is a poorly made rifle. When I first shot it it grouped at about 2-3 MOA with unexplainable flyers. At that point, I would have not even tried hunting with it. Then I started taking it apart and made modifications to the overly loose recoil lug and the stock. I shimmed the lug under the receiver and made that solid. Then I found that the barrel was not free floated adequately with such a flimsy stock. I sanded down the barrel channel (plastic ribs) with a 1/2 inch round dowel to provide a quarter inch clearance around the barrel (use chalk on the barrel to confirm), then filled the remaining voids between the ribs with a mixture of epoxy and lead shot to stiffen the stock and add weight. This took care of the flyers and brought my groups down to .75 MOA at 100 yards which is adequate for coyote hunting purposes. First shot accuracy is dead on now which is what counts.

Apparently, now there is a replacement stock from Boyds which should be nice, but I am holding out for something better from Savage or perhaps CZ. Savage launched a bull barrel version, but the stock is the same. Really would like to see a totally new configuration of stock and barrel. Better, more consistent ammo will also be helpful. Velocities are rather inconsistent over my chrono. Hornady is coming out with something later this spring.
I have the Winchester 1895 17 wsm. I have shot coyotes with it if you hit any bone at all that coyote is in the next county. Rabbits and prairie dogs it's devastating. If I were hunting coyotes with Rimfire the 22 mag is the way to go imo.
I have been used both the std B-Mag and the heavy barrel b-mag for the last two years. I have shot 24 during the night hunting season (Nov-March) ( I use night vision which is legal here). All of my shots have been at 100 yds and 3 at 200 yds using the 20 gr poly tip.

First the gun is poorly made. I have had ftf at bad moments, magazine problems and overall quality issues. I am going to get the Franklin Amory semi auto version and try it (hopefully this season).

Shot placement is critical - center or lower chest - they do not run. I have had a few runners due to their being on the move but never more then 30 yards. The only problem is that with the small bullet placed high is that there is no blood trail though the guy who takes my hides is happy with the small holes.

The only two I have not found (not counted in the 24) went down and ran off - I lost them due to heavy snow and brush.
First post to the site. I am slightly confused regarding the bullets available for the 17WSM.
Seems to me the 20grain poly tipped load would be best for woodchucks and such. Also offered is a 20grain "super x " bullet. Will this hold together better and give deeper penetration than the poly tipped load? And the 25grain load is listed as "HE" high explosive, this does not sound promising as a coyote load either, like emilli says if you hit bone there gone. I'm thinking about getting a rifle in 17 wsm, have a 22 mag and 17 hmr but I like the ballistics of the wsm. Any information regarding bullet construction for this round would be appreciated.
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