Large bore coyote kills

These are 2 from Sunday. Not big bore kills, but damage is impressive on the first one!

115 Berger VLD's



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Nice job!!! How far away were they?

After seeing what that 115 grain Berger does I am wondering what a 750-grain AMAX or a 420 grain RMB is going to do.

Thank you

I'm amazed at what the 115 did at 125 and 175 yds. I've shot them with 230 bergers out of my 300 RUM with no exit (surprised me too). 230 berger running 2996 fps hit a coyote in the chest as it was running straight at me. Think I could feel jacket or cup in hindquarter, but was NOT going to cut n' dig.

Full details and story posted in thread just below this one. "berger does it again and again", figured I'd post here also :)
Sorry not over .338 or even a coyote but how about a dingo with a 200gr Woodleigh out of a .300WM. 196 yards on the shoulder, second photo is exit wound.
I shot a coyote with my 338 Rum, 225 TTSX at 285 yds 3 weeks ago while bear hunting. There was a sow and a cub appox 50 yds away eating blackberries when I shot. The next day the carcass was gone. Coyote for breakfast and black berries for desert. Sorry, I did not get a chance to ask how the bears how the coyote tasted.:D
Well I just purchased a Win. 1876 45-60. Guess that counts if I use it. Yes, I will. Really opens up the options of types of fire arms you can use too, for sure. I have used the M1 Garand, Rem. 1903A3, Win. and Marlin 30-30. It's a Blast!
I shot a coyote with my 338 Rum, 225 TTSX at 285 yds 3 weeks ago while bear hunting. There was a sow and a cub appox 50 yds away eating blackberries when I shot. The next day the carcass was gone. Coyote for breakfast and black berries for desert. Sorry, I did not get a chance to ask how the bears how the coyote tasted.:D
That would have been useful info for the eating coyote thread!!!
Good shooting
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