Any 17 WSM Coyote Kills?

I've not had a chance to open it up past 50 yards yet but at 50 you can put them in the same tattered hole! It is nasty on groundhogs and crows too. I've only shot the 20 grain hyper velocity so far. I have 100 rounds of the 25 grain that I haven't tried yet . It's gonna be good for what it's for! Is it pretty? Not really. Is it cheap? Yes! Most importantly, it goes boom! It does it accurately so far. I can't wait to shoot a coyote with it. I can't wait to shoot 200 yards! It works for me. It's also super light.
I purchased one several weeks ago, Mounted a Burris Fill Field 4.5x17 on the rifle.

I intend to get out this weekend and will be happy to let you know how I did, I am
not optimistic that the area that I am going to call in will be that productive but I guess we will see..
I was sold on the Bmag until I held it at the store. It looks and feels like a toy. That is not really what I was looking for for my $300. I guess if it shoots, it would be ok, but I will wait for a non toy rifle in this round.
I bought the bag a few weeks ago. Been trying to get a kill with it myself. Will let you know when I do. I hate the stock on it. Hope someone makes a aftermarket on soon.
Buddy of mine shot a coyote at 60ish yards with the 17wsm 25 grain. Pretty impressive. Enough for me to go out and buy one and put my 22mag up for sale.


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I've got one and now I'm really impressed! I can't wait to use mine on one. I'm actually thinking about getting rid of my 17 hmr CZ. I just don't think ill use it as much. I also thought about having my HMR converted to 5mm but that seems pointless too.
Ammo is hard to find right now in mich. Caint find place to online order and been to 6 stores only to dig up 4 boxes thus far.
It's definitely not easy to find here in southern ohio either. I've got three or four boxes right now. This will get me by for a while for lack of time to shoot.
I think shot placement will be key with the lighter bullets. I ordered a bmag but told them to sell to someone else due to lack of ammo and horrible reviews. I shot a yote at 25 yards with a 17 rem mag with a 20 grain bullet. Hit it square in the shoulder. dropped him and he got up and ran. Tracked him down in a brush pile hiding 75 yards away where I finished him off. I will still be getting a 17 wsm for hunting in MI at night
that yote looks like the pelt is ruined, I would not expect that kind of damage with the little 17 bullet, I would be dissapointed. I will shoot a yote as soon as I can I finally got my b mag shooting decent groups so will see.....
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