I'm all in on Thunderbeast at this point. They are repeatable, suppress excellent, and support the shooting community. I see 50% and 100% off coupons all the time. They also have no issue acknowledging a competitors can meters a little quieter because they know that's not the only thing that matters. I've seen many Pew Science references which are helpful, but some guys are picking the next can because it meters 0.5dB quieter rather than picking the one that fits the application (unless the application is strictly the quietest can). In my opinion, the Thunderbeast Dominus (suppresses between the Ultra 7 and Ultra 9) and Ultra 338 Gen 2 make the perfect pair for most shooting scenarios. The Dominus suppresses awesome but is short and light for hunting and any general shooting. The Ultra 338 Gen 2 is up there with one of the quietest cans on the market if that's what you're into as well.