Shoot big game from the road/vehicle in wyoming?

If it was my grandfather, the 86 year old 100% disabled veteran that is blind in one something like that will happen again tomorrow. Otherwise, you get what you get.
I live in PA. For twenty years this past May. I moved here from Massivetwo$h!t$, (MA for those who don't get the reference). In my twenty years of living in PAi can't ever recall shooting over a road being legal. Do people do it? Probably. I did shoot over a road once in 2008. The circumstances were that we were hunting so far in the "Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania" area that we knew that there wasn't another hunter, vehicle, or house within ten miles. It was private property and a fire road to access the other side of the mountain, only accessible by extreme 4x4 capable vehicles were able to get up there. Gated on one end and ruts so deep they could swallow up a stock a vehicle such as a stock Ford F250. I know this because my partner had to call his Pap in with his 1960's Farmall 706 series tractor to help pull the stuck truck out. I harvested a modest eight point whitetail.

I've heard of hunters shooting over busy roads, to me that is not right.
Born and raised in PA. Hunted here for 45 years. I know title 34 of PA code in and out. Nothing wrong with shooting over a road as long as it is high enough to not endanger activity on the road.
How can you possibly "know" there is no one within 10 miles?
simple. You cannot. You just have to be sure of your target and have a safe backstop.


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I live in PA. For twenty years this past May. I moved here from Massivetwo$h!t$, (MA for those who don't get the reference). In my twenty years of living in PAi can't ever recall shooting over a road being legal. Do people do it? Probably. I did shoot over a road once in 2008. The circumstances were that we were hunting so far in the "Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania" area that we knew that there wasn't another hunter, vehicle, or house within ten miles. It was private property and a fire road to access the other side of the mountain, only accessible by extreme 4x4 capable vehicles were able to get up there. Gated on one end and ruts so deep they could swallow up a stock a vehicle such as a stock Ford F250. I know this because my partner had to call his Pap in with his 1960's Farmall 706 series tractor to help pull the stuck truck out. I harvested a modest eight point whitetail.

I've heard of hunters shooting over busy roads, to me that is not right.
You cant be very familiar with the Canyon area else you would know better than to make such a statement.
Some day take a ride over to Blackwell, then take the West Rim road uphill from there. You wont go very far before you will find out.
I hunted groundhogs in central PA for many years. Farms were often on rolling hills. Small public roads ran through many of the large farms. It would have been easy and safe to shoot from one elevated position to another while technically shooting over a low lying road. Even though it was legal to do so it just never sat well with me and I didn't do it. Maybe its just engrained in us New Yorkers that EVERYTHING is illegal, even when its not.
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I don't know of any state except Texas that allow shooting from a vehicle unless disable. Most states don't allow for a round in the chamber and being inside a vehicle either. Also leaning a rifle or shotgun against a vehicle with a round in the chamber is illegal too. I know of one person that got a transmission while hunting in Colo. He was a local too. At lease he didn't have to use his tag.
I have seen that one at least 15 times now. I call it job security.
I've never pronghorn hunted in WY before. I was watching pronghorn hunting videos on youtube, and youtube played this one after the one I was watching... and I was shocked at what I saw.

At about 5:40 in the video, the passenger leans over the door/hood and drops a tiny buck from the vehicle. I wasn't aware any state allowed this type of thing. I certainly don't agree with this type of "hunting." Coyotes, and other critters... that doesn't bother me at all. I shoot a pile of skunks and other vermin from the window of my truck... but pronghorn? (and a little baby buck at that) Kind of upsetting to see.

I am on the road
I've never pronghorn hunted in WY before. I was watching pronghorn hunting videos on youtube, and youtube played this one after the one I was watching... and I was shocked at what I saw.

At about 5:40 in the video, the passenger leans over the door/hood and drops a tiny buck from the vehicle. I wasn't aware any state allowed this type of thing. I certainly don't agree with this type of "hunting." Coyotes, and other critters... that doesn't bother me at all. I shoot a pile of skunks and other vermin from the window of my truck... but pronghorn? (and a little baby buck at that) Kind of upsetting to see.

i am currently on the road, driving from FL to WY for an antelope hunt. Some people may not have a problem with this, but here are the issues:
1. Most states do NOT allow you to shoot from a vehicle—looks like his butt is still on the seat.
2. You should ALWAYS identify what you are shooting at. While WY has an any antelope tag, I am upset that he couldn't identify what he was about to kill. It is a young buck and most of us wouldn't shoot it.
3. The whole video smacks of chest thumping—"I shot something" mentality. Not a reasoned look at the animal or a carefully set up shot. Not a lot of respect for the game either.

We ethical hunters have enough problems with antis to post stuff like this. Definitely someone I would NOT want to share camp with!
Think harder! There are several and many accomodations for disability.
You are correct sir. Like English gramma almost wvery rule has an exception. In Texas yiu can shoot certain animals from a car, boat or helicopter.
I'm noticing the Texas guys aren't saying much.
This a good one for the thread on Sept 1 that I keep Getting alerts about, "are you a real hunter?" I don't know about Wyoming laws, but assuming they are on private property and not a public road, it would be perfectly legal here. My opinion of rather they SHOULD or SHOULD NOT, would be completely irrelevant, so I will keep it to myself.
I am on the road

i am currently on the road, driving from FL to WY for an antelope hunt. Some people may not have a problem with this, but here are the issues:
1. Most states do NOT allow you to shoot from a vehicle—looks like his butt is still on the seat.
2. You should ALWAYS identify what you are shooting at. While WY has an any antelope tag, I am upset that he couldn't identify what he was about to kill. It is a young buck and most of us wouldn't shoot it.
3. The whole video smacks of chest thumping—"I shot something" mentality. Not a reasoned look at the animal or a carefully set up shot. Not a lot of respect for the game either.

We ethical hunters have enough problems with antis to post stuff like this. Definitely someone I would NOT want to share camp with!
careful driving !


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Born and raised in PA. Hunted here for 45 years. I know title 34 of PA code in and out. Nothing wrong with shooting over a road as long as it is high enough to not endanger activity on the road.
How can you possibly "know" there is no one within 10 miles?
simple. You cannot. You just have to be sure of your target and have a safe backstop.

You cant be very familiar with the Canyon area else you would know better than to make such a statement.
Some day take a ride over to Blackwell, then take the West Rim road uphill from there. You wont go very far before you will find out.
i shoot over roads all the time ! way high enough to prevent any danger to drivers!
also hunted Wyoming 4x so far, as a matter of fact just came back from a hunt between Laramie and Gelette .for pronghorn. ran into wfg several times this trip and they were the coolest *** LE we ever met! they loved out of staters and said 30' from the road unless private 2 track.
we even asked him if we could video tape him tazing our buddy "B" and slapping him in cuffs! for a momento! lol. big B didnt think it was cool though? 😎
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