Shoot big game from the road/vehicle in wyoming?

Legal or not, I spotted a lot of things they did (In my opinion) that were unethical or unsafe. Not people I would want to be hunting with or around.
Why not just forward the video to the Wyoming Dept of Fish and Game.
That makes about as much sense to me as the money spent on the manhunt of that luandry kid, maybe sick dog the bounty hunter on them too find these clowns also.
Go to you tube and give this little idiot a pc of your mind
I would not want to hunt with in 10 miles of those idiots. Obviously they don`t know what they are doing.They walk up to the top of hills and skyline them selves and generally are jerks.I hope they get busted.
So at LRH we're not to discuss ethics...but yet everyone is saying how unethical this guy is for taking a shot off the hood of a truck out in the middle of nowhere? But if he moved 10 feet the other way, layed down with a $10,000 rifle with a kestrel, rangefinder, AB app and took the shot he would then be ethical?

Legal or not, we don't know. So lets assume he's on a private road on a private ranch...still an "unethical" shot?
Not sure if it is still the case but some time ago it was perfectly legal in PA too shoot over a road providing the bullet flight didn't interfere with traffic; or some such language.

For a wide variety of reasons those guys should not be making/posting videos of their hunts.
I live in PA. For twenty years this past May. I moved here from Massivetwo$h!t$, (MA for those who don't get the reference). In my twenty years of living in PAi can't ever recall shooting over a road being legal. Do people do it? Probably. I did shoot over a road once in 2008. The circumstances were that we were hunting so far in the "Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania" area that we knew that there wasn't another hunter, vehicle, or house within ten miles. It was private property and a fire road to access the other side of the mountain, only accessible by extreme 4x4 capable vehicles were able to get up there. Gated on one end and ruts so deep they could swallow up a stock a vehicle such as a stock Ford F250. I know this because my partner had to call his Pap in with his 1960's Farmall 706 series tractor to help pull the stuck truck out. I harvested a modest eight point whitetail.

I've heard of hunters shooting over busy roads, to me that is not right.
So at LRH we're not to discuss ethics...but yet everyone is saying how unethical this guy is for taking a shot off the hood of a truck out in the middle of nowhere? But if he moved 10 feet the other way, layed down with a $10,000 rifle with a kestrel, rangefinder, AB app and took the shot he would then be ethical?

Legal or not, we don't know. So lets assume he's on a private road on a private ranch...still an "unethical" shot?
I am not talking ethics.These guys are a danger to other hunters.How many times have we read of hunters getting shot or killed by stray bullets or was shot because they thought no one else was around.A bowhunter in Colorado was just killed by a guy with a muzzleloader who saw white in the brush and assumed it was a Elk.These guys are not checking on where their bullets are going.They shoot and then hope its a buck or maybe hope its not a person.
I am not talking ethics.These guys are a danger to other hunters.How many times have we read of hunters getting shot or killed by stray bullets or was shot because they thought no one else was around.A bowhunter in Colorado was just killed by a guy with a muzzleloader who saw white in the brush and assumed it was a Elk.These guys are not checking on where their bullets are going.They shoot and then hope its a buck or maybe hope its not a person.
I read that also. Where is there white on an elk ? Also near where I was hunting opening day general elk, a hunter got mauled by a sow griz with cubs. His buddies shot the sow off him. F&G killed the cubs.
I am not talking ethics.These guys are a danger to other hunters.How many times have we read of hunters getting shot or killed by stray bullets or was shot because they thought no one else was around.A bowhunter in Colorado was just killed by a guy with a muzzleloader who saw white in the brush and assumed it was a Elk.These guys are not checking on where their bullets are going.They shoot and then hope its a buck or maybe hope its not a person.

Again, if he moved 10 feet away from the truck would the shot have not been a "dangerous" shot?
Not sure I would want someone videoing me hunting BUT there are many questionable things going on in the video!
Without handicap permits laws where broken!
Youtube can be entertaining, informative or in this case just plain pathetic
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