Shoot big game from the road/vehicle in wyoming?

That is obviously a private road which makes it private property.
That might look like a private road where you are from... but out here, that looks like a public road maintained by the county/township... and I'd venture a guess that 95% of the roads that exist within 100 miles of me in any direction look just like that.

I wasn't there though... could be a private driveway. Unlikely but possible. Even if it is, the real crime is shooting a 9" pronghorn. lol 😁
You can here (Alberta) if you're handicapped and have a doctor certificate. Then you have to get a similar certifirate from fish and game. Still illegal to shoot from the road though. - dan
Horrible excuse for hunters , just a nightmare to watch. To think the put this video up to be watched? Some people are just clueless !
If shooting pronghorn from a wide open dirt road/ 2 track in Wyoming is illegal about half of Pronghorn hunters are or have been guilty I bet, maybe not stopping right in the middle but pulling off the shoulder and using the hood/tailgate etc for rest. Sure non residents donthis and that, but resident hunters by far have done the most poaching and seriously illegal type things in my experience/opinion. Now leaving gates open that is another story....... Ethically In this wide open terrain does it really matter if its off the truck or 30 feet off the road, with our 1000 yard rifle locked into a huge tripod so that you don't need to even hold the gun steady.
Edit to add, I was Pronghorn hunting in Wyoming this year and the only time I saw people walking from a truck was to drag a Pronghorn to the truck.
My favorite kind of hunters. Yahoo's that stay near the road are great because when you get a mile back in you have the country to yourself.
Horrible excuse for hunters , just a nightmare to watch. To think the put this video up to be watched? Some people are just clueless !
There are a great many people that consider this hunting. Just like that, exactly as you saw in the video.

They cause me to fail as a christian. Trying to watch that video without judging them... is REALLY hard for me.

I'm trying though. I'm really trying.
In most of Pronghorn hunting, I have hunted them in six states anyway, there is not "a mile back", back from where? To another road? It's flat/rolling hills with 2 tracks everywhere. Go a mile off a road. Then shoot a pronghorn at 600. 50/50 chance you will walk across a road to go retrieve it in a lot of places in Wyoming Pronghorn country. Pronghorn hunting with rifles is not really "hunting" its low pressure bring family or friends and don't stress out hunting, slightly above coyote hunting. Finding a big one can be challenge of time and having good glass. Pick up a bow and stalk one, different ballgame.
As long as you can clear the highest vehicle on the road, you're clear to shoot over it. One would assume the tallest semi truck is 14'. As a long range shooter, I would believe you are at the highest point possible to be looking over the greatest amount of area.
Funny how virtuous and outraged people can get when they have NONE of the facts.

Video does have a way of giving lots of facts. Driving around, waiting to kick up a herd of pronghorn, then shooting a tiny buck from the pickup parked on the road... I mean those are pretty much facts. Facts, or some next level video editing, even for hollywood. :)
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