Semi Auto or Over Under?

I bought one, shot the heck out of it, and sold it. Neither on gunbroker. I've bought and sold on GB for years but if that's your source for recent availability... you need to broaden a little.

There are also Zero of them on GunsAmerica, Zero on GunsInternational. So I'm wondering where you think there are any for sale.
Did you like it? Had my eye on a cynergy for years. I was going to grab a CX or a field and then came across this feather. I know a lot of people like the Citori Feather.
Did you like it? Had my eye on a cynergy for years. I was going to grab a CX or a field and then came across this feather. I know a lot of people like the Citori Feather.
I really liked it! Balance and fit was great for me. Shot about a months worth of weekend skeet shoots to no disappointment. I liked it especially more than the CX (WAY barrel heavy, stock hit me in the chin when pulling up) Only sold it because that's what I do haha. Nothing in the stable is safe other than the old invector citoris and fixed superposeds'. I was never one for the looks of the cynergy but hey, it a browning so it's got my interest..
I really liked it! Balance and fit was great for me. Shot about a months worth of weekend skeet shoots to no disappointment. I liked it especially more than the CX (WAY barrel heavy, stock hit me in the chin when pulling up) Only sold it because that's what I do haha. Nothing in the stable is safe other than the old invector citoris and fixed superposeds'. I was never one for the looks of the cynergy but hey, it a browning so it's got my interest..
Good to know - Its probably just going to be a pheasant gun and should be sweet to carry in the field as light as it is. When I picked it up for the first time it felt like my son's youth 20 ga - almost like a toy. I am used to hauling that heavy versamax around.
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