Semi Auto or Over Under?

What are y'all using for pheasants and other upland birds? I used an 870 supermag - then bought an 870 wingmaster. Bought a versamax woodtech a few years ago and it has been boringly reliable and accurate. Thinking about adding an over under of some flavor. Just curious what everybody is using and why? I just got back from my annual pheasant hunt and that 3rd shell only came in handy a couple times.
My wife decided to start bird hunting again after a 7 year gap so I went and bought her a new Franchi 48 AL 20 ga and ever since then if she is not with us thats what I carry and the $2,000 Beretta stays in the case. I love carrying a 5.5 lb gun instead of a heavy beast now.
Well, Santa just bought me a Browning Cynergy Feather :). I love my versamax, so it probably wont get kicked to the curb, but should give me something a little lighter to haul around.

I don't think they make the Cynergy in a Feather. You must mean Citori Feather. Great shotgun, though, and the standard Invector chokes are all I would ever want. Here I am last weekend hunting with my Win. 101 Pigeon 20-ga. It has fixed chokes, which I have come to prefer. This was the first bird this 7 mo. old shorthair had ever had in his mouth and I had to PRY it out. Gotta love it!

Those cynergys are sweet! I'm a big browning guy when it comes to scatter guns. Shoot 20k rounds a year through citoris and superposed. But A Superposed is HEAVY. They really nailed the weight and balance for a field gun with the cynergy feather. Enjoy!
I don't think they make the Cynergy in a Feather. You must mean Citori Feather. Great shotgun, though, and the standard Invector chokes are all I would ever want. Here I am last weekend hunting with my Win. 101 Pigeon 20-ga. It has fixed chokes, which I have come to prefer. This was the first bird this 7 mo. old shorthair had ever had in his mouth and I had to PRY it out. Gotta love it!

Sorry, but a search for "Cynergy feather" on GunBroker pulled up "0 items." That means few if any are available, even if the mfgr is advertising them.
If my memory serves me well, Browning typically refreshes their lineup at this time of year. Keep an eye on the "Current Production," "Limited Availability," and "Discontinued" lists on Browning's website.
Sorry, but a search for "Cynergy feather" on GunBroker pulled up "0 items." That means few if any are available, even if the mfgr is advertising them.
I bought this off of gunbroker - picked it up a couple days ago from my FFL. New condition.

I bought this off of gunbroker - picked it up a couple days ago from my FFL. New condition.

Yes, I saw that, in GB's "Completed Items." You got the only Cynergy Feather that has EVER been listed on GunBroker. As I said, there are Zero of them listed in Current Items, and usually if GunBroker does not have them, no one does.

I'm guessing you got a pre-production gun that was sent out for testing, since Browning does not list them on their site yet. However, you got it at a discount and I'm sure you will enjoy it. Everything Browning makes is good.
Yes, I saw that, in GB's "Completed Items." You got the only Cynergy Feather that has EVER been listed on GunBroker. As I said, there are Zero of them listed in Current Items, and usually if GunBroker does not have them, no one does.

I'm guessing you got a pre-production gun that was sent out for testing, since Browning does not list them on their site yet. However, you got it at a discount and I'm sure you will enjoy it. Everything Browning makes is good.

Sweet - I didnt know that. I really feel like I scored now:). Auction said it was unfired and a call to seller prior to bidding confirmed that. Wonder why it hit the market in this condition. Price was awesome - I feel like I stole it.
Yes, I saw that, in GB's "Completed Items." You got the only Cynergy Feather that has EVER been listed on GunBroker. As I said, there are Zero of them listed in Current Items, and usually if GunBroker does not have them, no one does.

I'm guessing you got a pre-production gun that was sent out for testing, since Browning does not list them on their site yet. However, you got it at a discount and I'm sure you will enjoy it. Everything Browning makes is good.
I bought one, shot the heck out of it, and sold it. Neither on gunbroker. I've bought and sold on GB for years but if that's your source for recent availability... you need to broaden a little.
I bought one, shot the heck out of it, and sold it. Neither on gunbroker. I've bought and sold on GB for years but if that's your source for recent availability... you need to broaden a little.
Did you like it? Had my eye on a cynergy for years. I was going to grab a CX or a field and then came across this feather. I know a lot of people like the Citori Feather.
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