Running Goats, 'Nuff Said!

He probly believes in hybrid wolves too. mtmuley

Read the response again that the OP gave when the other member asked how he practiced. You will notice that in his response he didn't say he practiced, but rather turned the rest of his post into talking about long range at standing animals like there was the same chance doing that as him shooting running antelope at 400+ yards. I'm glad members are finally coming out on this thread with positive responses to what I have stated about what the OP posted!
Edited... if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all.
Especially after a few beers...
Just getting tired of people trashing guys constantly, this is starting to feel a lot like Facebook
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Ha ha, just wow. Talk about drama ha ha....

I won't comment either way on the shot that the op (original poster of this thread) took, I don't know the guy, his skill levels, etc. But, growing up in Wyoming, and personally shooting in the neighborhood of 10-12 pronghorn, and hunting pronghorn with family and friends, harvesting north of 40-50 goats in that time, I have just never really seen the need to take a running shot unless one was wounded. Pronghorn are about the easiest big game critter there is to hunt in my opinion. It would be easier for me to go kill a goat than it would a rabbit honestly.

That being said, I have admittedly harvested a couple deer with sub 150 yard running shots back when I was more in practice. I don't think I could/would do it now, I spend too much time in the dirt on a bipod shooting at stationary targets. In high school I was honestly a better field shooter, every weekend I would be shooting jackrabbits. Wanna talk about some challenging shooting, shooting running jacks at 50-100 yards with a .22 all day every weekend will certainly hone your skills.
Edited... if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all.
Especially after a few beers...
Just getting tired of people trashing guys constantly, this is starting to feel a lot like Facebook
Didn't mean to hurt any feelers here. I stand by what I said about shooting at running antelope. For the record, I'm not on Facebook. mtmuley
Your posts are funny as hell! I'm enjoying them with a pronghorn and mushroom sauce over rice. Isn't this coming from the "shoot, shovel and shut up" crowd? - I was following that thread. At least I follow the hunting laws. It seems that the NRA doesn't quite adhere to that, eh, Topgun? So much for your NRA BS credentials.

This thread and our negative responses to your ridiculous post(s) along with several others that are dumb enough to see nothing wrong with your stupid actions are not funny at all. You claim skill in your posts, yet when asked how you practice for those running shots you had no response other than to say what essentially was that you can't practice for it. Most know that and doing what you did is wrong. Now you've come back with more pure BS about SSS that has nothing to do with this thread and another absolutely ignorant comment about the NRA that I have no idea what you were even trying to say. You and those who think your 400+ yard shots at running antelope are okay obviously fall into the category of the old saying that you can't fix stupid!
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"I'm glad members are finally coming out on this thread with positive responses to what I have stated about what the OP posted!"

No, you're just an average old fool that gets your jollies over trying to get folks to validate your thinking. Classic Hitler bully tactic with no positive message.

Now those comments really show your IQ level is double digit at best and affirm my earlier post #33! You made a comment earlier inferring my post(s) were personal attacks. My posts were no such thing other than disagreeing with shooting at running game like you posted and now you call me an old fool! Not too smart dude, but not surprising in that when you can't come up with anything to actually defend your stupid actions YOU go on a personal attack and if this post of yours I quoted isn't a direct personal attack I don't know what is!
Edited... if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all.
Especially after a few beers...
Just getting tired of people trashing guys constantly, this is starting to feel a lot like Facebook

Not saying anything isn't going to happen in a hunting forum when a person posts something like the OP did that 99.9% of us know is wrong! What is rather alarming is that some of the 00.1% that think it's okay are on this thread, including yourself! No beers or any other alcohol was involved in making my posts since I rarely drink alcohol and it certainly didn't take any drinking to come out and say what I did about a situation that the OP described that should never happen. This was not "trashing" anyone, but rather just stating that what he did is wrong, shows a complete disrespect for the animal and hunting in it's own right, and is certainly not what knowledgeable sportsman would ever do. Like mtmuley, I also don't do Facebook or any of those other social websites.
I think pronghorn have a particularly hard time out there. Without even commenting on this situation, I've learned when hunting pronghorn to always see if there's a wounded one I need to shoot from a group. Once I shot a doe with a limp, and it turned out her foot had been blasted half off by someone fairly recently.

Earlier in that weekend while stalking some—a few people tore into an area in their truck and started shooting at the now-milling, then running animals. Wasn't too impressed by those tactics and the results.
Not saying anything isn't going to happen in a hunting forum when a person posts something like the OP did that 99.9% of us know is wrong! What is rather alarming is that some of the 00.1% that think it's okay are on this thread, including yourself! No beers or any other alcohol was involved in making my posts since I rarely drink alcohol and it certainly didn't take any drinking to come out and say what I did about a situation that the OP described that should never happen. This was not "trashing" anyone, but rather just stating that what he did is wrong, shows a complete disrespect for the animal and hunting in it's own right, and is certainly not what knowledgeable sportsman would ever do. Like mtmuley, I also don't do Facebook or any of those other social websites.

I saw nowhere that he said he thinks what the op did is ok. I have however seen you acting like you might as well be on facebook. You made your point that you disagree with what the guy did, as pretty much any of the rest of us do. But coming back again, and again, and again, to restate what you have already said, multiple times, is honestly making you look like a horses rear end. We all get it, it is not right to shoot at a running pronghorn at 400 yards. Now please, for everyone's sake, move on sir. I personally am now unsubscribing from this thread, as it has just turned into trash.
I saw nowhere that he said he thinks what the op did is ok. I have however seen you acting like you might as well be on facebook. You made your point that you disagree with what the guy did, as pretty much any of the rest of us do. But coming back again, and again, and again, to restate what you have already said, multiple times, is honestly making you look like a horses rear end. We all get it, it is not right to shoot at a running pronghorn at 400 yards. Now please, for everyone's sake, move on sir. I personally am now unsubscribing from this thread, as it has just turned into trash.

Maybe you missed the fact that the member you mentioned "liked" what the OP posted. No he didn't make a post saying the OP was okay doing what he did, but when a person hits the "like" button it essentially says he agrees with what the person is stating without making a post of his own. The only reason I made multiple posts was either replying to other members regarding their posts or directly responding to BS posts that the OP made and although you say you have unsubscribed to this thread if you do come back on you'll now see that the OP interestingly changed his username today! I'm done with this thread as I do agree that it has run it's course and it should have never been started by the OP in the first place!!!
Personally, I have never shot at a running antelope as I have found that they eventually stop and then I can put the sneak on them to get closer for a standing shot. I also do not shoot them at long range even though I have that skill. The reason is things happen like an animal suddenly spooks for some unknown reason, the winds suddenly shift and a million other things that one just can't predict and I as an individual feel I owe it to the animal to give it as clean, as quick, and if possible as painless a death as possible. I grew up with an American Indian best friend that was closer than most brothers are. My mother used to say we would disappear in the morning into the forest and magically reappear just before dark. I always feel sad for the passing of an animal and thank it for its sacrifice as I will use everything about it.

I studied many of the "old ways" of the American Indians. Some where good and some were not so good just as were the ways of the white men who conquered this nation. I started off as a History major but change because it was so depressing. One of the books I read and changed my life my Freshman year in college was "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian History of the American West" By Dee Brown and Hampton Sides. If you have never read the book you owe it to yourself to read it. I read it in 1971 and have still have my first edition.
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......I love the dynamic nature of pronghorn hunting. Things unfold so quickly and with a smaller critter, really forces your shooting to a higher or lower level, depending on your preparation......

Sometimes my reading comprehension isn't what it ought to be. I had not followed this thread since I "liked" the original post. I like the fact people post pictures. I liked the above statement, the days when one could get multiple antelope tags, made me a much better game shot. Somehow missed the running antelope at 400 yards portion. I had no intention of validating such practice. When we did have the multiple tags, as mentioned by someone else, we also made effort to select those crippled by prior bad shooting.

The post began with being blessed with a 2 goat season, don't take such things for granted.
In our PR rifle class we shoot moving targets at 100 yards. Target is a Little man target which is 24 inches wide. Mover moves at a mans walking speed about 2.5 mph. The goal is to keep all shots in the 10 inch b ring but there is a 5.57 by 3.25 orange center that is even a better goal. Most guys will have a 8 min holdoff trapping the target.

Now the same target is shot at in positions. Very few people and I mean very few can on demand be 100% in positions and 50% on mover. Now after several hours of practice it gets better. Its dam hard though.

To the poster you right that you don't have time to make calculation's so now it becomes a WAG. There are so many variables I find it hard to believe that you think its ok and you can do this on demand 100% of the time.
I thought this horse was dead!
Who ever said that I can do this 100% of the time, on demand? I didn't. Every time I've hit a moving target, I had enough time to put the crosshairs exactly where I wanted them. I had to laugh because my first lope in early Oct was a runner at 90 yards and the 270WSM did its thing well.
I like the honest poster that wrote about hitting a running deer... believe me, it is less than 99.9% of all of the posters here, that can say that they have not shot at a running animal, regardless of somebody's emotional embellishment.
I like your post HARPERC, but again, I don't need approval for what I do, even if somebody bullies your opinion. This horse is officially dead, at least for me. O & O
Warning! This thread is more than 7 years ago old.
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