Running Goats, 'Nuff Said!

... believe me, it is less than 99.9% of all of the posters here, that can say that they have not shot at a running animal, regardless of somebody's emotional embellishment.....I like your post HARPERC, but again, I don't need approval for what I do, even if somebody bullies your opinion. This horse is officially dead, at least for me. O & O........

Yes I have shot at running game before I knew better. Like most newbies I accepted things I had read and heard, and it took a little to sort out what worked for me and what didn't. My intention was strictly so my "like" would not be construed as validating the practice.

The point of forum discussions is the exchange of ideas, in hopes of learning from one another. After reading the entire thread, your expanded thoughts as well as others I changed my initial view. Bullied??? Your call, but truthfully it was more your clarifying posts that made me realize we weren't on the same track.

You don't need approval, and don't care for the discussion, What were you looking for by posting?
The first antelope I shot was running (trotting). When it slid to a stop it was 27 paces away. When he hit the deck it sounded like a gut punch. I'm guessing he was somewhere between 30-35 yards away when I shot,......shame on me. ;)
Shot an elk one time that was running as hard and fast as it could run at 30 yards. It was easy, I just swung with him. He hit the ground on his chin and must have slid 10 yards.

Shot another elk right at 200 yards. He was on a trot. I was shooting from a bipod. I just got out in front of him at let him come into the crosshairs. I was one shot and done.

Those shots came about fairly quickly and did not require any lead really. I could not phantom a 400 yard shot on a running antelope.
I thought this horse was dead!
Who ever said that I can do this 100% of the time, on demand? I didn't. Every time I've hit a moving target, I had enough time to put the crosshairs exactly where I wanted them. I had to laugh because my first lope in early Oct was a runner at 90 yards and the 270WSM did its thing well.
I like the honest poster that wrote about hitting a running deer... believe me, it is less than 99.9% of all of the posters here, that can say that they have not shot at a running animal, regardless of somebody's emotional embellishment.
I like your post HARPERC, but again, I don't need approval for what I do, even if somebody bullies your opinion. This horse is officially dead, at least for me. O & O

I had hoped it was dead and you were gone for good after you changed your username for some unknown reason after the chit hit the fan! Your initial post and followups all sucked and that's about as polite as I can be! You still won't admit that shooting at running game like you do should not be attempted and now you post a typical comment like many kids do nowadays trying to justify something they do by alluding that it's okay because others are doing it! You dug a hole for yourself with that first post and the hole just kept getting deeper the more you posted and with this last one you probably hit China! No, you aren't the only one doing stupid stuff in the field, but that doesn't make it right! Some of your comments are so bad like where you say you had to laugh after shooting one running in October that it makes me shake my head! Nope, you don't need approval for the stupid stuff you do, but if you did it's very obvious that you wouldn't be doing it because the vast majority of those that hunt know it's not acceptable. IMHO you've shown you're an embarrassment to the sport we all love and IMHO it's too bad you obviously haven't learned a thing about what true hunting is all about with respect for the game being right up there, if not number one, on the list.
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Sometimes my reading comprehension isn't what it ought to be. I had not followed this thread since I "liked" the original post. I like the fact people post pictures. I liked the above statement, the days when one could get multiple antelope tags, made me a much better game shot. Somehow missed the running antelope at 400 yards portion. I had no intention of validating such practice. When we did have the multiple tags, as mentioned by someone else, we also made effort to select those crippled by prior bad shooting.

The post began with being blessed with a 2 goat season, don't take such things for granted.

FYI Wyoming still allows multiple tags for antelope. In the initial draw you can apply for a buck and two does. Then if there are tags leftover, which there are in quite a few units, you can buy a second buck tag and two doe tags for a total of 6 tags per individual. I just thought I'd let you know that Wyoming still has great numbers of antelope and the F&G allow those numbers to be taken in order to properly manage the species.
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