Running Goats, 'Nuff Said!

I'm out in Wyoming every year for two months and trust me an antelope can probably walk 5 mph and 10 mph is not even close to what they can do when spooked. Try 40 to 50 mph for short bursts and at least half that speed for a long time.

I understand that. Have been around quite a few.

Reality is OP might not have even hit the one he was aiming at. And in some states shooting into a herd is actually illegal.
A shot like that is a tough call on any big game animal. Maybe I just don't understand how you would prepare for something like that - tow a target behind an ATV? I just don't have any buddies I would trust to pull the trigger if I was the one on the ATV.

Now if the OP was talking about rolling a coyote on the run at 400 yards it would be high fives, at least from me.

In all seriousness if there is a way somebody practices taking the shot described in the OP, I would love to hear it. I struggle just reading wind, let alone trying to figure out the lead on a running game animals.
Have shot torso size targets at 600 yards that were moving at a mans steady gate. Targets are on a long 2x2 and the motor is a real man below a big berm. It takes some practice to hit a target at even that speed. The delay between time you decide to pulled the trigger and the time it takes your brain to even tell your finger to pull the trigger, has to be taken into account, along with the normal MOA calculations...
Have shot torso size targets at 600 yards that were moving at a mans steady gate. Targets are on a long 2x2 and the motor is a real man below a big berm. It takes some practice to hit a target at even that speed. The delay between time you decide to pulled the trigger and the time it takes your brain to even tell your finger to pull the trigger, has to be taken into account, along with the normal MOA calculations...
Right - I know there are different competitions that have moving targets like that at various distances and I am sure there are some tactical classes that run you through that those types of scenarios. I have just never heard anybody say they practice to shoot a big game animal running at 30-40 mph at 400 + yards. Mind blown
Right - I know there are different competitions that have moving targets like that at various distances and I am sure there are some tactical classes that run you through that those types of scenarios. I have just never heard anybody say they practice to shoot a big game animal running at 30-40 mph at 400 + yards. Mind blown

Read the response again that the OP gave when the other member asked how he practiced. You will notice that in his response he didn't say he practiced, but rather turned the rest of his post into talking about long range at standing animals like there was the same chance doing that as him shooting running antelope at 400+ yards. I'm glad members are finally coming out on this thread with positive responses to what I have stated about what the OP posted!
Read the response again that the OP gave when the other member asked how he practiced. You will notice that in his response he didn't say he practiced, but rather turned the rest of his post into talking about long range at standing animals like there was the same chance doing that as him shooting running antelope at 400+ yards. I'm glad members are finally coming out on this thread with positive responses to what I have stated about what the OP posted!

Good point - "I train hard at my shooting". I probably read into that statement a little too much.
Your posts are funny as hell! I'm enjoying them with a pronghorn and mushroom sauce over rice. Isn't this coming from the "shoot, shovel and shut up" crowd? - I was following that thread. At least I follow the hunting laws. It seems that the NRA doesn't quite adhere to that, eh, Topgun? So much for your NRA BS credentials.
I understand that. Have been around quite a few.

Reality is OP might not have even hit the one he was aiming at. And in some states shooting into a herd is actually illegal.

Not enough of a web rat to know what OP is, but I even hit the one that I aimed at, regardless of your doubt and ignorance of the entire event. You can try to better that, but you have zero clue as to the reality here, and yet you spewed some guess. Very average.
I don't think they want to "try to better that" at running game at that distance ... not a high percentage outcome
"I'm glad members are finally coming out on this thread with positive responses to what I have stated about what the OP posted!"

No, you're just an average old fool that gets your jollies over trying to get folks to validate your thinking. Classic Hitler bully tactic with no positive message.
The challenges of posting on a public forum. I got reamed on a different thread for mentioning my 11 year old shot a blackbear at 300 yards with a 243. Someone from Maine lit into me about how irresponsible that shot was and how dare we shoot it with such a small caliber blah blah blah. He had no idea what the conditions were the equiptment used, or the time and preparation that my son put in so that we were confident in the shot. The bear hunting he was doing in Maine over bait was different than the spot and stalk we do in Idaho where we have lots of long shots across canyons etc.

I think if you have a way to practice those kinds of shots on antelope and you are confident you are going to kill the animal and not wound it, good on you. Most people don't practice those shots, nor would they pull the trigger in a scenario like yours. Thus the responses that you got.

Also, that could just be the magic of the 270 wsm shining through. I love mine:)
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