Question on Proof Barrels

Has anyone looked at or used Carbonsix carbon fiber barrels?

They look similar to Proof Research CF barrels.
I've got a 26" 1:8 twist of theirs on my 7 STW. It shoots tiny groups. They use McGowen barrels.
I bought a cooper firearms with a proof research carbon fiber barrel in a 28 nosler by far the most I ever spent on a gun would I do it again yes.


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i have a proof on a 7mm/300prc works great but cleaning is a bear patches come out blue for cooper an black for powder never had a barrel that is so dirty after 14 rounds so u make the choice think you could have got one cheaper have a ridgline an it put aboutt1.5 pds to gun not worth the price
i have a proof on a 7mm/300prc works great but cleaning is a bear patches come out blue for cooper an black for powder never had a barrel that is so dirty after 14 rounds so u make the choice think you could have got one cheaper have a ridgline an it put aboutt1.5 pds to gun not worth the price
The copper fouling can/may be attributed to the bore finish. Powder fouling may or may not necessarily be a barrel quality issue. I've noticed that I can run the same powder in two different bore diameter cartridges and sometimes it's dirtier in one than the other. I think bore size and barrel length can sometimes make a difference in how dirty or clean a certain powder burns.
How is that 6.5SLR. I was throwing around the idea to do a 6SLR soon. Also the weight reduction can be something people don't realize. If you are running a sendero or bull contour you really aren't losing any said weight unless you planned on running the same contour in a steel barrel. People some times just don't think about that.
My daughter loves it. She has been shooting it for years. First one ran a 140 HVLD @ 2850 and she took a few deer with it (532 & 637), but shot it a TON. Burned that barrel out after 2500-2800 rounds (lost track of round count), and rebarreled it to the same chambering. She has taken a pronghorn @ 391 and a huge mule deer buck @ 454 with it last year after the rebuild. Now shooting a 130 OTM @ 2925 suppressed (2901 w/o suppressor).

Think .260 Rem w. neck/shoulder of a 6.5x47L. Super easy to form cases too. Run a parent case through the die, and Viola', 95% formed case. Use a R-P or Win case, and it is a no-turn process.
When you guys are talking about all your custom builds , you can speed a lot if you want, but are you typically in that 1000.00 for action , 1000.00 for barrel, and 1000.00 for stock , and then cost of smith ? Or can a person do some of this himself ? Thanks.
Unless you are a gunsmith with machining experience and A lathe and many other tools no I don't believe you can do this yourself with that being said There are many operations that the owner can do such as bedding or scope mounting etc.
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