Question on Proof Barrels

Within the past month I've had 2 fresh proofs spun up.

Both 338 lapua ai's shoot 1/2 MOA consistently - should have a 6.5 done in a couple weeks then a 223 ai spun up after that.

I've never seen a bad one, been around a lot! They clean up quickly - always been very consistent for us.

The good ol' internet is a big place. Man made products will always turn out a bad one every once in a while - that's a fact with every barrel manufacture. I would buy with confidence!
My next project will be a 6.5 Sherman Max. I've been reading about all these light wt builds many of you are doing. I plan on a carbon fiber stock and had thought to go with a Proof CF barrel.
I recently read (and now can't find) some comments made about QC issues Proof may be having lately.
THIS IS NOT ABOUT BASHING PROOF! They are the only brand of barrel I have not personally used. I understand that Bartlein has begun making CF wrapped barrels. Have read nothing about their new barrels. I have several standard steel Bartlein barrels and love them.
My gunsmith is very high on Proof bbls and recommends them to everyone. He's had very good results with them over the last 2 years.
Are there any issues with current manufacture Proof bbls? If so what are they in your experience and are they the pre-fits or standard barrels?
Thanks for replys to this long question

I bought a prefit proof of 7mm rem mag over a year ago. It was the easiest load work up I've ever encountered. Excellent barrel. Word on the street is that they have had some bad ones lately. So, it's going to be another saga just as any thing else. Just like threads on here where there's a group of folks who will never buy a certain brand of rifle scope again and folks who have never had a problem with that brand of rifle scope.
I have six Proofs currently. All are extremely accurate.
24" Proof Sendero in 6CM
26" Proof Sendero in 25SST
20" Proof Sendero in 6.5SS
22" Proof Sendero Light in 6.5SLR
26" Proof Sendero Light in 6.5SS
26" Proof Sendero Light in .280AI

If you want a lighter weight barrel and run a suppressor, the added diameter and stiffness with no added weight is great.

Bartlein and Hawk Hill have recently joined the CF wrapped game. I am looking forward to see some results from them.
I've put my share of proof barrels on for customers...most have been very nice but I've worked at 2 other custom barrel shops in my years and I will say a handful of proofs I've put on would never make it out the door of the shops I worked for. Tight bores, large grooves, and ratchet in the lands have been the main culprits. I've been using the new Mullerworks carbon wrapped barrels for builds.
If you are a gunsmith and do lots of barrels a year you will run across a couple of bad barrels. The beautiful thing about a good smith is that if you are unfortunate enough to get a bad one they will replace it vs sending back to factory and waiting and waiting.
I have 3. All have been excellent. My old smith was a huge opponent of the proof because one time, years ago, he had one that wasn't straight. Kept it on his wall. He's a dip****. I have not heard of anyone having issues among my friends in either CF or SS proofs. That doesn't mean it can't happen, just haven't seen it. I am looking at x caliber and bart for the next one, just because it's fun to experiment.
I am still working through my issues with my first proof barrel. It's has been back to the smith for evaluation and testing. Shoot good with out a suppressor. Same box of ammo would consistently poi down 3/8" each shot at 100 yards. Crazy! 30-p1 shoots great groups with factory guns. They found no issue and had good results with multiple suppressors. Took it out this past weekend and still the same problem but tighter groups with the can on. Loading the bipod produced even better groups so now I'm wondering if it's the AG composite stock. I really wanted proof to be as good as they say but I will stick with bartlein and try their carbon offering as well
Absolutely no issues here with the 3 I've used. Here's the latest. Carbon Fiber barrel and stock. 6.5PRC

What diameter is the inner steel barrel turned down to ? And is it any different on the sendero versus sendero light or is it just more carbon fiber on the exterior ?
My next project will be a 6.5 Sherman Max. I've been reading about all these light wt builds many of you are doing. I plan on a carbon fiber stock and had thought to go with a Proof CF barrel.
I recently read (and now can't find) some comments made about QC issues Proof may be having lately.
THIS IS NOT ABOUT BASHING PROOF! They are the only brand of barrel I have not personally used. I understand that Bartlein has begun making CF wrapped barrels. Have read nothing about their new barrels. I have several standard steel Bartlein barrels and love them.
My gunsmith is very high on Proof bbls and recommends them to everyone. He's had very good results with them over the last 2 years.
Are there any issues with current manufacture Proof bbls? If so what are they in your experience and are they the pre-fits or standard barrels?
Thanks for replys to this long question
I have a 26in Sendero on my 6.5 PRC that shoots 1/2 MOA without a lot of reloading effort. It allowed me to build a new long range hunting rifle and keep the weight way down but benefit from a very stiff barrel. My rifle without a scope is a few ounces under 7 lbs. And can hit milk jugs at 1000 yards.


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