Proof barrels

[QUOTE="NZ Longranger [/QUOTE]

did a quick nothing perty cut away on the mill and this is the HCM case next to it for comparison
Awesome EH! You're the man!
Now which contour barrel is that? The 1.200" diameter shank Sendero or light Sendero contour, or the bigger 1.250" 338 Sendero contour which apparently has fatter SS inner?
And can you roughly measure the SS diameter and the length to the point it starts to taper? Looks like just back from the 2.650" shoulder/neck junction?
Awesome info EH, exactly what I was after. So will be approx .240" a side of SS left at the body/shoulder junction with our reamer. That will work just fine. We've run a bit less than that with no extraction issues in the past.
Thanks so much for taking the time to do this for me! If ever you're in NZ...
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