Proof barrels

Mike at Hell's Canyon makes a great barrel but they are NOT light! I have a 28" MTU contour blank and it weighs in at 62 ounces. He uses Benchmark barrels for the core. You could ask Benchmark for an extra inch to be added to the shank to give you the added material needed and they probably have an 8 twist option. I'd give them a call first before contacting Mike if you want to go that route. Just be prepared to wait around 4-6 months for it to show up at your door.
I'm not sure what the diameter of the contour is after that it's probably caliber plus .250" but that is just a guess. I'm on the proof pro staff but that info is held pretty tight. I'm sure there is enough for you to have a neck and freebore, but not near enough to have a shoulder. If the cartridge is longer to the neck than the shank I would not recommend using the carbon barrel.
Thanks for that Scott. But I'm an obstinate engineer who likes to make his own calls on what will and won't work. :)
So I will find out what that step down amount is one way or the other! It would be much simpler if they just told me...


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Why not do a Hardy carbon barrel?? Aren't they in your neck of the woods? They are very light even with a 1.25" shank...
Thanks Crowe. Would love some actual measurements. Are those images even of a Proof or just a carbon barrel in general?
And Milepost, I have a Proof right here in my hand. We do use Hardy's amongst others, but want to try this Proof!
Thanks Crowe. Would love some actual measurements. Are those images even of a Proof or just a carbon barrel in general?
And Milepost, I have a Proof right here in my hand. We do use Hardy's amongst others, but want to try this Proof!

Couldent say for sure...if you click on the link, the picture is in the proof barrel information section. One could only assume since it does not say specifically in the photo.
Thanks for that Scott. But I'm an obstinate engineer who likes to make his own calls on what will and won't work. :)
So I will find out what that step down amount is one way or the other! It would be much simpler if they just told me...
Right on I was just trying to save you a barrel but if you know a guy that has a shot out barrel and will cut it down. That would be cool post the results. Additionally, I plan on heading out to NZ Spring 2020 to hunt and set up a couple clinics/steel safari courses. We are in early stages of planning though.
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