Proof barrels

If I were going the route you're looking at I would call Mike with Hell's Canyon Armory and ask him to build me a carbon wrapped barrel to my specs. That way a person could have enough meat in front of the carbon for whatever you'd like to build. The contours are listed at the bottom and it looks like he provides the dimensions you are after on his site.

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The proof 338 cf barrels have a 1.250 shank at 3" so that might be enough meat if your building a .338 . Proof will not do custom orders unless you buy 10 or more. It's been awhile since I talked to Carbon 6 but I think they will build a CF barrel to whatever spec you want as long as they have the button for the twist your wanting. Although I have no experience with Carbon six CF barrels.
Thanks for all your responses guys. I'm building a 30 cal on this case, and have a Proof Sendero contour 30 cal barrel sitting here. These have a 1.200" diameter x 2.5" long SS shank before the carbon starts. The 338 Proof barrels have a 1.250" x 3" long shank, and have a heavier SS inner all the way. Its the 1.200" x 2.5" shank I'm interested in - how much and how quickly it steps down. The whole point of the Proof carbon barrel is to save weight, so not interested in stepping up to the 338 contour barrels as they are significantly heavier, and they don't make them in 30 cal anyway.
CA48, are you able to turn, mill or grind the carbon away where it butts the SS shank and take some measurements? That would be most helpful.
As I said above, Proof aren't keen on telling me anything about their SS inner dimensions, even though I only want to know what its doing at this one point.
Thanks for all your responses guys. I'm building a 30 cal on this case, and have a Proof Sendero contour 30 cal barrel sitting here. These have a 1.200" diameter x 2.5" long SS shank before the carbon starts. The 338 Proof barrels have a 1.250" x 3" long shank, and have a heavier SS inner all the way. Its the 1.200" x 2.5" shank I'm interested in - how much and how quickly it steps down. The whole point of the Proof carbon barrel is to save weight, so not interested in stepping up to the 338 contour barrels as they are significantly heavier, and they don't make them in 30 cal anyway.
CA48, are you able to turn, mill or grind the carbon away where it butts the SS shank and take some measurements? That would be most helpful.
As I said above, Proof aren't keen on telling me anything about their SS inner dimensions, even though I only want to know what its doing at this one point.

I don't have a lathe, but I can try to cut the carbon away with a dremel or grinder when I get back to the house in 10-12 days.
NZ, glad I can help out.

cgarb, no problem there. Il be wearing PPE and have shop vac running.
Proof aren't keen on telling me anything about their SS inner dimensions, even though I only want to know what its doing at this one point.

yeah if someone wanted to backwards engineer, they'd just have buy a barrel or two and slice them up, not a real expensive endeavor. i asked savage a similar question (exterior barrel dimensions, so i could see how well another barrel [actually a proof] would mesh up and how much inletting or bedding would be needed in their accustock) and they said that info was 'proprietary.' i'm like ***, if i was going to do anything nefarious i'd just buy one and measure it...
If I were going the route you're looking at I would call Mike with Hell's Canyon Armory and ask him to build me a carbon wrapped barrel to my specs. That way a person could have enough meat in front of the carbon for whatever you'd like to build. The contours are listed at the bottom and it looks like he provides the dimensions you are after on his site.

I second this. Mike wraps his own and I bet would be willing to work with you on a custom barrel setup. Give him a call!
I'm being no help but I do have a gunsmith who is going to split a Proof barrel down the middle once he has a customer burn one up. I'm curious as well. All I know that the SS section of the barrel has the same OD for all calibers up to .338
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