Question on Proof Barrels

My next project will be a 6.5 Sherman Max. I've been reading about all these light wt builds many of you are doing. I plan on a carbon fiber stock and had thought to go with a Proof CF barrel.
I recently read (and now can't find) some comments made about QC issues Proof may be having lately.
THIS IS NOT ABOUT BASHING PROOF! They are the only brand of barrel I have not personally used. I understand that Bartlein has begun making CF wrapped barrels. Have read nothing about their new barrels. I have several standard steel Bartlein barrels and love them.
My gunsmith is very high on Proof bbls and recommends them to everyone. He's had very good results with them over the last 2 years.
Are there any issues with current manufacture Proof bbls? If so what are they in your experience and are they the pre-fits or standard barrels?
Thanks for replys to this long question
for a hunting long range rifle they are all I will use and all I will put on for other hunters for match there S.S. barrels are outstanding also
My next project will be a 6.5 Sherman Max. I've been reading about all these light wt builds many of you are doing. I plan on a carbon fiber stock and had thought to go with a Proof CF barrel.
I recently read (and now can't find) some comments made about QC issues Proof may be having lately.
THIS IS NOT ABOUT BASHING PROOF! They are the only brand of barrel I have not personally used. I understand that Bartlein has begun making CF wrapped barrels. Have read nothing about their new barrels. I have several standard steel Bartlein barrels and love them.
My gunsmith is very high on Proof bbls and recommends them to everyone. He's had very good results with them over the last 2 years.
Are there any issues with current manufacture Proof bbls? If so what are they in your experience and are they the pre-fits or standard barrels?
Thanks for replys to this long question

When I did my research for my 300 PRC built I looked at HCA and Proof. My conclusion is that both companies manufacture great barrels and you can't really go wrong with any of them. You might get a few bad barrels from PROFF but I also read that their customer support is top-notch. I went with HCA for two reasons: one they use significantly less resign which helps with heat dissipation and two they are a family owned business that uses Benchmark barrels - they use a manufacturing process that is preferred by benchrest shooters.

I hope this helps.
If he will warranty the barrel if it's a bad one then go for it. I am one of the guys who has had a few bad ones and am going away from proof. I also have a Bartlien carbon that I am going to be trying soon. But give me a #3 or #3b fluted and you will have lots of options. If you ever want to go away from a proof sendero you are kinda stuck. Or have your barrel channel filled back in by the gunsmith.

This is why I went with the Sendero lite contour so I can go back to a Remington varmint and flute it if I decide I don't like the CF barrel.
I have six Proofs currently. All are extremely accurate.
24" Proof Sendero in 6CM
26" Proof Sendero in 25SST
20" Proof Sendero in 6.5SS
22" Proof Sendero Light in 6.5SLR
26" Proof Sendero Light in 6.5SS
26" Proof Sendero Light in .280AI

If you want a lighter weight barrel and run a suppressor, the added diameter and stiffness with no added weight is great.

Bartlein and Hawk Hill have recently joined the CF wrapped game. I am looking forward to see some results from them.

How is that 6.5SLR. I was throwing around the idea to do a 6SLR soon. Also the weight reduction can be something people don't realize. If you are running a sendero or bull contour you really aren't losing any said weight unless you planned on running the same contour in a steel barrel. People some times just don't think about that.
I have a Proof savage prefit in 6.5 creedmoor that shoots .5MOA all day long with hornady factory ammo. I love it.
Groups during the initial break in were surprisingly large but after completing it they shrank to their current tiny size.
You will be fine. I'd give Christensen Arms a call and see if their barrel blanks are up and running yet. I think Proof is a tad heavy over the Christensen, especially with over bore calibers
I had a rifle built about three months ago on a remington 700 long action in 6.5-06. My Gunsmith recommended Bartline for the barell. I have only fired it about 45 times to Zero the scope and find a good load and test different brass, IE 30-06, 270, or 25-06. The total rifle build will shoot much better than i can shoot it.
My next project will be a 6.5 Sherman Max. I've been reading about all these light wt builds many of you are doing. I plan on a carbon fiber stock and had thought to go with a Proof CF barrel.
I recently read (and now can't find) some comments made about QC issues Proof may be having lately.
THIS IS NOT ABOUT BASHING PROOF! They are the only brand of barrel I have not personally used. I understand that Bartlein has begun making CF wrapped barrels. Have read nothing about their new barrels. I have several standard steel Bartlein barrels and love them.
My gunsmith is very high on Proof bbls and recommends them to everyone. He's had very good results with them over the last 2 years.
Are there any issues with current manufacture Proof bbls? If so what are they in your experience and are they the pre-fits or standard barrels?
Thanks for replys to this long question
I only have only have one Proof Research bbl. 7mm Rem. Mag on Rem 700 action it consistently shoot sub Moa groups with me being the limiting factor. My concern would be that there are always a few turkeys tht slip through QC and I would expect a builder of custom Rifles to fully inspect any blank or prefit for defects before installing it on the customer's action a substandard barrel should never reach the customers hands.
I thought they used Proof barrels?
Christensen Arms uses, and offers up for sale, their own make of carbon fiber barrels. The wrapping method is different. I can't say if it's any better or worse. I do know that they have some nice rifles and offer excellent components. I have two of their stocks and three of their muzzle brakes. I have never tried their carbon fiber barrels though. Instead I've been purchasing proof research barrels and have had good luck with them.
Has anyone looked at or used Carbonsix carbon fiber barrels?

They look similar to Proof Research CF barrels.
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