NRA In Serious Trouble?

My post wasn't directed at any particular individual posting on this thread. But, since you referenced my post I'm inclined to respond. The "facts" associated with the events you elude to may very well lack full context, and are subject to your personal interpretation, for which you then draw an you so state. You know what they say about opinions......
I contend that while the NRA may not be perfect, for reasons discussed in my prior post, I stand by my opinion that the NRA is the best option we have. Ask yourself this. Why does the left continually say that destroying the NRA is one of their "primary" missions? There is actually one of the Presidential candidates(idiot) bitching about the NRA as I type this. If the NRA is/was so ineffective why would the left be so hell bent on killing them off? What do they fear? What can't they achieve because of them? These observations are real and for everyone to observe first hand. While there are many reasons I support them, just this aspect alone is enough to highly motivate me to support the NRA.
Why does the left continually attack the NRA? Well, that's simple... Mainly because they're a bunch of morons that have no idea about anything gun related or the 2nd Amendment. The same reason why their supporters can't tell you a single thing bad that Trump has done, but they'll sit there and call him a "racist, bigot, homophobe" all day long, with no facts to back it up. They only repeat the same bullcrap they've been told and taught to repeat. The NRA is the oldest and largest gun lobbying group...No denying that fact. However, revert back to point A. They don't know crap, so they just repeat what they've heard.

Also, I've never said the NRA does nothing. However, the last 100 years, when it comes to free states, they've done more damage than good. Only repressed states have they been helping, and places like NYC, Cali, Chicago, etc... Sure, they do some good, but the ones they seem to drop the ball on are BIG things that affect ALL of us, not just some localized left-wing community.

As for what do they fear...That's also simple. They fear real life and the fact their leaders have been trying for decades to turn America into a 3rd-world craphole just like those illegal rapefugees they keep wanting to bring in by the thousands. They are just too busy trying to virtue-signal to try to make themselves feel good inside, to realize the facts of just how detrimental their idiocy will be on our country and culture. Also, they're a bunch of soy-boy ******* that have no idea about self-defense and handling business themselves. They think that calling the cops is going to prevent crime... I know cops that will tell you, "When seconds count, the cops are only minutes away..." The fact is, they can't all be in 1 place at 1 time, when you need them the most. Leftists lack common sense. They don't have abstract thought. Most of them were super-sheltered and lived the gated-community life growing up and have no idea how screwed up the real world is around them.
Fortunately, his son is the REAL thing and in his ear big time.
Yeah, Trump Jr. is about as pro-2A as we are. But it seems daddy isn't listening to him... He would rather listen to his zionist (does business with Soros) son-in-law Jared Kushner, and his ditzy lefty-liberal feminist daughter, along with appeasing the insane Democrats like Diane Frankenstein and Cuck Schumer with their anti-gun circus.

Now, don't get me wrong, I still support Trump, but I'm still not his biggest fan with the bumpstock crap. It has nothing to with the stocks themselves, it's the manner in which he went about it, and the fact that he gave the ATF legislative and interpretive power that scares the living hell out of me. Also, the fact that the government is now demanding you turn-in or destroy your own personal property (that you LEGALLY bought) without compensation. Not to mention the wording used in it... It's just a **** joke on all of us.

I don't own a bumpstock, never have, never will. If I want to do mag-dumps I'll go buy a real transferrable Class III, or go get my 07 FFL.
He is by far better than any Democrat and the majority of RINO's, but make no mistake; DJT has a long way to go to prove he can walk the 2A walk.
Exactly, and the sooner he kicks Kushner and Ivanka out of the WH, the better. I'm also tired of hearing them pledge their allegiance to AIPAC, and this whole "Israel first" policy bullcrap. We live in America, we should be supporting America! PERIOD! Other countries should handle their own **** problems, and stop suckling off of our teat.
Personally I have come to the conclusion that most of the vehemently anti-NRA "gun owners" are fraudulent plants by the far left, whose purpose is to misinform and create division to further their agenda. If you look into some of the radical left's organizations, they do employ a large number of "misinformation specialists" to flock to any website or discussion board in order to influence opinion for the unwary. A very common tactic that I have seen is the "I'm a gun owner and I support the 2nd Amendment BUT ..." (and then fill in the blank with whatever anti-gun issue is being discussed). These people are often otherwise-unemployed, radicalized college students and they have plenty of resources (cut and paste this argument or harp on this point is your opponent say "A" or use this tactic if they say "B"). So I give no credibility to any "gun owner" who trashes the NRA in our fight against the anti-Constitutional revolutionaries.
And what do we think about the Russian women busted for spying and infiltrated the NRA ? What is Russia afraid of ? Gun rights and free citizens .
I have many younger hunting friends, who, sadly, not only do not support the NRA, but actively agitate against it. The liberal media has successfully vilified the NRA, and the NRA has done nothing to counter that message. The result being many younger gun owners "hating" the NRA.

Their reasons are vague, which shows they haven't really thought through the subject. And, when asked if they don't support the NRA, what gun rights organization do they support, they proudly say "none." The liberal media has further triumphed, again. The eyes of anti-2A people light up with smug delight when they see how these gun owners are screwing their own and their childrens' futures.

These foolish young gun owners think that "being good gun owners" is all that is necessary to ensure their future gun rights, but they are sadly mistaken. It is not good manners while being at the range, and it is not not-committing crimes with their guns that makes politicians and the general public vote for gun rights. These, of course, are necessary, but, by themselves, insufficient. It additionally requires lobbyist with access, good national and state PR, and well-placed campaign donations to protect future gun rights. Anything less is showing up to a gun fight with a pair of pom-poms.

The NRA losing popular support of the next generation of gun owners, without another organization filling that void (and that doesn't seem to be happening) will be the death knell of gun rights for everyone. NRA needs to step up their game in this regard. Gun owners who care about the future of 2A rights also need to contribute. Unfortunately, I don't see the former happening because the NRA leadership has ossified and has not adapted to the new political landscape. I have my doubts that the latter will make up the loss.

I am glad I am old and don't have children.

I think if it weren't for the NRA we would of been toast a long time ago. I just want them to be aggressive again like GOA and NAGR are now. At least the California Rifle and Pistol Association (an NRA affiliate ) is going after the anti gun libs and worthless Gov by filing suits against all their bs gun and mag laws. A judge recently ruled against hi cap mag law. For a week befor an injunction was filed. It was a magazine buying frenzy. I bought a few ... with s Democrat super majority in Ca. you are doomed . Out of here in 3 months hopefully . Build a wall around Ca.. keep them and the illegals in and out of the rest of the country.
first of all, the feelings of spoiled leftist snowflakes do not impress me. Most of them are barely educated, but highly indoctrinated. They remind me of Hitler Youth marching behind banners on their way to a book burning, or Young Leninists "denouncing" the politically incorrect du jour. And secondly, speaking of bitter tears, look at the seething bias and angst manifested in this WaPo (American Pravda) article about Trump and the NRA WINNING.

lol. :D
Awesome. He has nads for sure.
Well again this coukd all be settled by changing the way votes are counted...
Do away with all super electoral votes as well as all standard electoral votes...
All states are created with county county, one vote....
That way all those bigger cities still have a consensus vote but they don't run the system by population....
The final vote for every state is the collected numbers of counties....
Not only would this work in presidential voting but all local voting as well and would be more representative of the mind of the people not the sheep....
NRA has done what it can...without support guns are going to be gone...look what that black woman from California recently said....she will make that her first priority to take away all gun rights by 'presidential order'....
Whose willing to go fight her butt out of the Whitehouse.....
Oliver North just declared he will not serve a second term because of the inner turmoil!
GOOD! He's a shill anyway. Pete Brownell should run again. He was doing a good job up there...And he fully supports the 2A in its original capacity. I at least have MUCH more respect for Pete than I ever did LaPierre and North.
Well again this coukd all be settled by changing the way votes are counted...
Do away with all super electoral votes as well as all standard electoral votes...
All states are created with county county, one vote....
That way all those bigger cities still have a consensus vote but they don't run the system by population....
The final vote for every state is the collected numbers of counties....
Not only would this work in presidential voting but all local voting as well and would be more representative of the mind of the people not the sheep....
NRA has done what it can...without support guns are going to be gone...look what that black woman from California recently said....she will make that her first priority to take away all gun rights by 'presidential order'....
Whose willing to go fight her butt out of the Whitehouse.....
Kamala "Hooker" Harris will never win. Too much dirt and too controversial. She screwed her way to the top, and it's well-known. Granted, Democrats don't care, as there is nothing honest about them, but for everyone else in America, having no morals and values is not going to get you very far.
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