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NRA In Serious Trouble?

I have many younger hunting friends, who, sadly, not only do not support the NRA, but actively agitate against it. The liberal media has successfully vilified the NRA, and the NRA has done nothing to counter that message. The result being many younger gun owners "hating" the NRA.

Their reasons are vague, which shows they haven't really thought through the subject. And, when asked if they don't support the NRA, what gun rights organization do they support, they proudly say "none." The liberal media has further triumphed, again. The eyes of anti-2A people light up with smug delight when they see how these gun owners are screwing their own and their childrens' futures.

These foolish young gun owners think that "being good gun owners" is all that is necessary to ensure their future gun rights, but they are sadly mistaken. It is not good manners while being at the range, and it is not not-committing crimes with their guns that makes politicians and the general public vote for gun rights. These, of course, are necessary, but, by themselves, insufficient. It additionally requires lobbyist with access, good national and state PR, and well-placed campaign donations to protect future gun rights. Anything less is showing up to a gun fight with a pair of pom-poms.

The NRA losing popular support of the next generation of gun owners, without another organization filling that void (and that doesn't seem to be happening) will be the death knell of gun rights for everyone. NRA needs to step up their game in this regard. Gun owners who care about the future of 2A rights also need to contribute. Unfortunately, I don't see the former happening because the NRA leadership has ossified and has not adapted to the new political landscape. I have my doubts that the latter will make up the loss.

I am glad I am old and don't have children.

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I have many younger hunting friends, who, sadly, not only do not support the NRA, but actively agitate against it. The liberal media has successfully vilified the NRA, and the NRA has done nothing to counter that message. The result being many younger gun owners "hating" the NRA.

Their reasons are vague, which shows they haven't really thought through the subject. And, when asked if they don't support the NRA what gun rights organization do they support, they proudly say "none." The liberal media has triumphed, here.

The NRA losing popular support of the next generation of gun owners, without another organization filling that void (and that doesn't seem to be happening) will be the death knell of gun rights for everyone. NRA needs to step up their game in this regard.

and then you have the jealousy of the tiny groups who want to be the big boy on the block and backstab and trash talk the NRA, rather than standing shoulder to shoulder, fighting off the bad guys. Like Franklin said, we must all hang together or we will all hang separately.
Actually you can't argue with any blind absolutist. They are high on this ideological plane of ignorance.
Sort of like elitist self-righteous socialist leftist commie marxists that want to subvert the God-given individual rights of others, for the sake of the "greater good", because they THINK they know what's best for everyone else...
What's interesting is that in the "dark days of Obama", I bought more firearms, more easily than ever in my lifetime. It was also a period of record energy production and a time when my savings recovered from the socialized losses of our beloved private sector. My point is, what reality are we living and it is really reality or fear? IMO, the NRA fails due to acting out of fear. Not for me, thanks.
Your leanings are easy to see.
I try to support as many groups as possible whether they do a little good or a lot to save the second amendment what I don't get is why nobody wants to figure out why these individuals doing the shootings want to hurt innocent people is it because of the media face book or our dishonest political members cuz when I went to school nearly every one had some kind of firearm in there vehicles I had teachers bring guns to class to show everyone no one ever thought about shooting up the school cuz people had respect back then if you had a problem with someone you would call them out and the better man won then you went about your business society is just f up anymore and kids aren't held accountable for anything any more it's sad just my 2 cents

I agree. I have been an NRA member since the early 90's, may join GOA, if I see they are doing anything.
I have disagreed with the NRA many times despite the fact that I have been a Life Member for 25+ years. I have also disagreed alot with some people that work with me but I continue to get along with them & have not divorced my Wife of 43 years when we did not agree on something.
What I have seen and been a part of is defeating some Socialist Gun Grabbing Dems in various races. No doubt the efforts of the NRA has paid off in many National races, can't say the same about GOA, though I am open to learn more about them.
It does bother me though when members of one company or group slams another, I sell Industrial equipment & I don't slam a competitor but point out why mine is better. If you are good, that should do the trick. About the only time I see GOA mentioned, it is in this type of thread instead of their attributes, that concerns me a little.
I hope that the pro gunners that hate the NRA will make a positive dent in their own way but in most cases I don't see it happening.
I know that some here that are critical of the NRA are on our side but I also see some are just Libs trying to disguise themselves a little but pretty easy to spot.
I will just say I am keeping mine, cheers!
I don't like the NRA because I gave them $600 and I'm still not allowed to own a f*%king can without a year long wait and big brother getting $200 from me.

How about my SBR? Where's that? Oh in no mans land while some ATF clowns yeh or nehs it.

Machine guns? What? I need to spend thousand and thousands of dollars to get one?

I thought the NRA was fighting to get those back. Right now I see them as damage control.

I joined GOA and the NRA. NRA at an absolute minimum as an FU to my liberal friends and family.
Personally I place my trust, hope and money in Jesus, not some organization of man that is susceptible to corruption and relies upon money as a basis of hope!
I do agree that GOA is much better aligned with my cause.

Personally I place my trust, hope and money in myself and others like me that know that we retain our weapons because a small amount of gun owners MEAN it when they say they WILL NOT give them up to ANYBODY. Getting tied up in Politics is a cop out for someone that will not solve their own problems.
I don't like the NRA because I gave them $600 and I'm still not allowed to own a f*%king can without a year long wait and big brother getting $200 from me.

How about my SBR? Where's that? Oh in no mans land while some ATF clowns yeh or nehs it.

Machine guns? What? I need to spend thousand and thousands of dollars to get one?

I thought the NRA was fighting to get those back. Right now I see them as damage control.

I joined GOA and the NRA. NRA at an absolute minimum as an FU to my liberal friends and family.

It's not the NRA's fault that WE - you, me, the NRA, and all Constitutionalists - are fighting against a global movement of no borders, no individual rights, and planned international socialism, pushed by the people who print the money, buy the politicians, and make all the decisions.

WE have very few allies in government, because they are owned. WE have no allies in the media, because they are owned propaganda mouthpieces for the "change" that is being rammed down our throats. Dude, I hate to say it, but WE are not taking ground, we are holding off the collectivist orcs who are swarming our walls and wont give up until they put out all the lights, everywhere.

So yeah, the NRA is fighting to hold them back, while malcontents stab the NRA in the back during the battle. It's time to close ranks. What we are facing is dark. If you are a Christian you know that this "one world" movement plays into the end times and the Tribulation. Before they can get their way, they have to put out the lights - extinguish the last freedom, crush the last dissent- here in America like they have elsewhere. So stand firm. That's all you can do. Don't blame the NRA for your silencer. Look at who WE are all up against.
I agree. I have been an NRA member since the early 90's, may join GOA, if I see they are doing anything.
They were trying to, but at the last minute the Supreme Court voted NOT to hear their slam-dunk case against Trump's bumpstock ban... Wonder why? Probably because it would be open & shut, and ruled as unconstitutional by all legal definitions.

However, they're going to keep trying. Which is more than the NRA is doing. They're the ones who started all this crap by opening their mouths.
Personally I have come to the conclusion that most of the vehemently anti-NRA "gun owners" are fraudulent plants by the far left, whose purpose is to misinform and create division to further their agenda. If you look into some of the radical left's organizations, they do employ a large number of "misinformation specialists" to flock to any website or discussion board in order to influence opinion for the unwary. A very common tactic that I have seen is the "I'm a gun owner and I support the 2nd Amendment BUT ..." (and then fill in the blank with whatever anti-gun issue is being discussed). These people are often otherwise-unemployed, radicalized college students and they have plenty of resources (cut and paste this argument or harp on this point is your opponent say "A" or use this tactic if they say "B"). So I give no credibility to any "gun owner" who trashes the NRA in our fight against the anti-Constitutional revolutionaries.

I have to agree with that. The anti-gun side is trying to do its best to divide us into firearm niches. Then they can go after each niche with vastly reduced resistance. They will come for the bolt and shotguns last, but they WILL come for them. Divide and conquer.

I have to ask that if the NRA was not effective then why is the anti-gun side going after them so hard? In war you target your enemy's center of gravity and its individual subsystems. If you think about it, currently and in the past, the NRA was the legislative center of gravity for our efforts to preserve our right to keep and bear arms. We as individuals do not have lobbyists, the NRA does. If our adversary can reduce the NRA then it will be their lobbyists the politicians will be listening to and not ours.

The best way to look at the NRA is the way the individual Soldier looks at his M4. Is it the best battle rifle our there? No, but it is what he has. The same holds true for the NRA, it is what we have. So like the Soldier in the analogy we have to maintain it and keep it in working order. We maintain it (NRA) by holding it accountable, funding it to the degree that we are each personally able, and by encouraging others to join it.

Yes, GOA has a much better ideology and we need to also join its ranks and support them just as we would the NRA or any other pro Second Amendment organization. After all it is better to have a battery of 155s firing on the enemy than just a single tube.

The original title to this thread was "The NRA is in serious trouble". I agree with that assessment. It is my fear that they may have financially culminated after the 2016 election. I did not hear anything from them during the last midterm elections when there seemed to be more anti firearm candidates running than in the past. They may have used up all their financial capacity to support the election of DJT.
Yes, and We The People (that truly support the 2nd Amendment) are now holding the NRA accountable for their actions, including their MANY MANY MANY decades of anti-gun legislation help to the left's agenda. It started back in 1934 when they helped write the NFA, then the GCA of '68 along with FOPA. Then the Hughes Amendment & Brady Bill. Then the Clinton ban in 1994. And now with the bumpstock ban of 2018. They've been a part of all of it. They have forgotten what the 2nd Amendment stands for, and what their organization has sworn to protect. The 2A is NOT a limited right, unlike what Justice Scalia had to say after Heller vs. DC. He even went back and stated later, that he regretted putting that portion into his assessment of the case, because he felt it would be taken out of context... And low-and-behold, it has been being taken out of context for YEARS by the left and by idiot fudds who seem to forget that the 2nd Amendment states, "the right of the people to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT be infringed." That means hands-off! Don't touch! And if you try to, it's treason!

All these politicians no longer fear implementing treasonous acts, because there hasn't been just recourse in over 100 years. People used to get hanged in public for that sort of crap. I believe when we stopped holding politicians accountable, is where we f*cked up as a country. NOBODY is above the law...Including politicians, who typically tend to be the worst offenders because they feel empowered and untouchable.
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