New ELR Record, Have You Seen This?

this is a great accomplishment. there is always improvement as we extend farther out distance wise. i remember when i was a kid (and im not super old) that 500yds was an unbelievably long way, and a 1MOA rifle was a screamer in terms of accuracy. nowadays, if we get over 1/2 MOA we complain like the world will end.

postive promtion of the shoooting sports is never a bad thing.
Killing steel at 4 miles 1 time out of 69? What good is that? You couldn't kill anything for food, you couldn't kill an enemy and after you zipped several rounds past them at that range with zero effect, they would likely return the favor with something that does make first round hits at 4 miles plus - a piece of miltary artillery. I saw a special with 4 snipers from around the world comparing/shooting 416 and 50 barretts and they all made 1st round hits on human silhouettes at 2500yds. That gentleman, is impressive.
I see both sides of the arguement. Hitting at that distance is insanely impressive regardless of how many times it took you. And by his own admission, the point is to push the limits of our hardware, understanding of ballistics, and ability to call environmentals. Obviously we cant expect 1st round hits in this scenario. But I think it's also fair to say that requiring 69 shots shows we arent there yet. We dont have adequate hardware for the job. There was a definitely a degree of luck to his hit. If they can get it down to regularly one out of every 10 shots or so (as an arbitrary example), I could see that as good enough to show they have proven the ability. I think the key is a reasonably consistent number of shots, whether its 10 shots or 30, per 1 hit.
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Just my 2 cents to some of the guys here complaining or putting down ELR shooting. You guys do realize that this is the ELR page on a LR forum. Kinda like going to Disneyland on purpose to have fun and complaining all day that all you are seeing is Disney stuff. But you really want to be there.

Seems kinda silly your putting down a skill or activity that your supporting by joining this forum.

Just saying.

I remember seeing a guy on here years ago from Utah with handle
And I thought it impressive 2-3 years ago when Jerry Michelic (?) hit a 500 yard target with a 9mm pistol.....
Irregardless, what blows me away is the flight time of the bullet!
(BIG arc!)
You have to take Paul's 4 mile.shoot in context. He stated in advance he didn't feel it was a reccord. He just set out to see if he could achieve the feat. He documented it to gain knowledge to advance his skill set at closer ranges.
Paul is a stand up guy and did not want to be compared against a certain company that threw lead at a target and got lucky with a hit then called it a world record.
69 shots though? A lot of luck there if it takes that many rounds to hit a target is all I'm saying.

22 seconds TOF... glad he hit it within 69 shots. Don't be jealous, we will anxiously await your next post of 4.1 miles... report back how many shots it took... kidding aside,
Take a step back and think about 22 seconds TOF. Impressive
Guy does have some impressive credentials, but this sounds more like an artillery exercise than a rifle shot. Also, the article doesn't mention how big the barn was they were shooting at.
LOL does it really matter how big the barn is? He's aiming at something he can't even see with the naked eye. I really don't think it matters if it's 20x40 or 100x100.
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